Message from @Alex D_rizzle
Discord ID: 458158091788222485
With the help of the brain-boys if you have the old world blues mod
My current play through is radical centrism with power from Helios One diverted to Free Side
low-tax and big boy chad robo army b
Radicalized centrism is Nazism, go on.
I also play the courier as a saint of the Wasteland and kill all powder gangers on sight
I mean yes, but that is only ultra-authoritarian centrism
I like to play Vegas as a kind of Wasteland Switzerland
Wherein, after the courier ages too much, he either becomes a ghoul or encapsulates himself like Mr. House
Who is actually not all that bad, in that he is an accelerationist, but is a technocrat which is naughty and EU like in my books
@Doctor Anon if you consider eradicating mutant animals and deathclaws Nazism then yes
The courier-led wasteland is a techno-Western bi-partisan frontier in which any may stake their claim in humanities future without faction allegiance and war
@Alex D_rizzle The NCR is good because Rome destroyed the second temple.
Although it's fun being House's court jew, there's no real room for growth under him.
I destroy the NCR and Legion
One is a hapless victim of beauracy and old America, the other is an epic Roman rip off
@Deleted User I let house live because he is a good guyo, but I prefer to run the Mojave with my robot army, brain boys from old world blues, as an independent state
>be the davy crockett of the bureaucracy, except don't die at The Alamo/Hoover Dam
>numerous awards, guaranteed to win any election since you are known and loved by most if not everyone in the mojave for doing their stupid sidequests
my Jewish dream :v)
> wake up thinking u already ded
> survive bullets to the head and everything the wasteland has to throw at you
> do some favours for people and become idolized
> two very gay factions want to undermine you and make you their underling to take the Mojave that spared YOU from death
Yeah, sounds like a bad deal tbh
> walt disney wants you to help him zoom to the stars, but you gotta be his gay buttboy
rip x
@everyone 🔖 __**Daily Question**__
- Is the fall of the EU unavoidable now? How and Why?
Yes, because I really want it to be
I'm going to laugh until there are too many muslims and they take over the us
muslims arent taking over the U.S at all lmao
its the hispanics
taking over u.s
oof, eu == european union
europe as a whole is gay
bruh eastern europe is better than western europe
The western europeans are now sjws with negro dicks breeding them into a mixed brown race
all of eastern europe low key dislikes blacks and arabs
i approve
I also approve