Message from @Griselda

Discord ID: 478326011302510624

2018-08-12 22:15:20 UTC  


2018-08-12 22:15:25 UTC  

There are a lot of shitty natural foods

2018-08-12 22:15:25 UTC  

If you eat natural foods and lift enough it doesn't really matter how much you eat

2018-08-12 22:15:35 UTC  

no, it does

2018-08-12 22:15:43 UTC  

as long as it isn't absolutely excessive

2018-08-12 22:15:45 UTC  

portions still affect you

2018-08-12 22:15:46 UTC  

If you imply nutritious and healthy

2018-08-12 22:15:48 UTC  

Then yes

2018-08-12 22:15:50 UTC  

well there you go

2018-08-12 22:15:50 UTC  


2018-08-12 22:15:52 UTC  

I do

2018-08-12 22:15:56 UTC  

you just qualified

2018-08-12 22:16:03 UTC  

so it does matter

2018-08-12 22:16:07 UTC  

I exaggerated my statement as always

2018-08-12 22:16:20 UTC  

see you liberal retards later 😎

2018-08-12 22:16:26 UTC  

If you eat things that aren't sugars or refined carbs

2018-08-12 22:16:31 UTC  

it is extremely difficult to gain weight

2018-08-12 22:16:31 UTC  

the whole 'carbs are evil' thing is overblown, but you should still not eat as much as normal

2018-08-12 22:16:44 UTC  

carbs are shit

2018-08-12 22:16:47 UTC  

least useful macro

2018-08-12 22:16:47 UTC  

If you’re gonna pick green beans out of the earth and munch on them you’ll die of old age before you eat too much

2018-08-12 22:16:49 UTC  

also only eat vegetables

2018-08-12 22:17:08 UTC  

That are organic

2018-08-12 22:17:11 UTC  

fats/proteins you die without and carbs are optional while being linked to weight gain

2018-08-12 22:17:16 UTC  

Sane goes for fruit

2018-08-12 22:17:18 UTC  

the organic label is meaningless

2018-08-12 22:17:22 UTC  

yeah fruit is shit

2018-08-12 22:17:28 UTC  

try to source locally

2018-08-12 22:17:40 UTC  

I inject GMO’s into my veins directly

2018-08-12 22:17:43 UTC  

Always support local business

2018-08-12 22:17:44 UTC  

That’s the good shit

2018-08-12 22:18:12 UTC  

well the ag lobby has lobbied congress to make the "organic" label meaningless

2018-08-12 22:18:22 UTC  

so don't rely too heavily on it

2018-08-12 22:19:54 UTC  

mfw I get to link this video again

2018-08-12 22:20:19 UTC  

I'm anti-vegan but this is labelled free-range

2018-08-12 22:21:18 UTC  

What the fuck

2018-08-12 22:21:46 UTC  

try to get as much as you can from local farmers

2018-08-12 22:21:52 UTC  

government labelling is a joke

2018-08-12 22:23:35 UTC  

I used to just personally raise 30 chickens

2018-08-12 22:23:44 UTC  

It’s really rewarding