Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 507009722939998237

2018-10-31 01:51:59 UTC  

he poses himself as a God to the people and goverment, and many do believe it

2018-10-31 01:52:21 UTC  

you are implying our new "communist" nation is going to be Jucheist and formed after NK

2018-10-31 01:52:35 UTC  

Juche is third position

2018-10-31 01:52:46 UTC  

It's a very nationalistic variant of socialism

2018-10-31 01:52:55 UTC  

still grouped with communism

2018-10-31 01:53:01 UTC  

still commies

2018-10-31 01:53:02 UTC  

It's not communism

2018-10-31 01:53:07 UTC  

at least not officially anymore

2018-10-31 01:53:17 UTC  

Didn't they remove all references to communism in their constitution?

2018-10-31 01:53:49 UTC  

basically, making a communist nation Jucheist is out of the question, you are basically taking something WE KNOW fucks up under specific circumstances and then when it fails you laugh in desparity about how it failed

2018-10-31 01:53:49 UTC  

they changed a few words and tadah its not communist

2018-10-31 01:53:57 UTC  

p much

2018-10-31 01:54:14 UTC  

and even if we do make it Jucheist

2018-10-31 01:54:28 UTC  

what if we had a Juche nation in Africa? or Europe? would it fuck up?

2018-10-31 01:54:33 UTC  

I don't know maybe or maybe not

2018-10-31 01:54:41 UTC  

Strasserism is like Juche, kind of

2018-10-31 01:54:43 UTC  

North Korea was a specific example in a specifc situation

2018-10-31 01:54:53 UTC  

communism is not a viable option

2018-10-31 01:55:00 UTC  

I mean

2018-10-31 01:55:15 UTC  

it is and will continue being until you somehow prove each and every single variant wrong

2018-10-31 01:55:37 UTC  

it will keep going until we find successful variants and title them as "not-communism"

2018-10-31 01:55:40 UTC  

Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom

2018-10-31 01:55:48 UTC  

>the road to freedom

2018-10-31 01:55:54 UTC  

Communism is the very definition of failure

2018-10-31 01:55:58 UTC  

as long as capitalism has its issues, someone out there will look for a better version

2018-10-31 01:56:05 UTC  

Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged

2018-10-31 01:56:13 UTC  

I'm a fascist

2018-10-31 01:56:16 UTC  

the username is ironic

2018-10-31 01:56:20 UTC  

Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists

2018-10-31 01:56:44 UTC  

China is actually a unique debate on whther or not it is communist or not but ehh

2018-10-31 01:56:44 UTC  

Yes Goy, fight China and not the corporate globalists

2018-10-31 01:56:47 UTC  

Death is a preferable alternative to communism

2018-10-31 01:57:05 UTC  

so are you going to continue shitpoting or?

2018-10-31 01:57:08 UTC  

im just quoting the anti communist robot from fallout 4

2018-10-31 01:57:11 UTC  


2018-10-31 01:57:12 UTC  

Communism is a preferable alternative to liberalism

2018-10-31 01:57:25 UTC  

I have no reason to listen to your opinion if you are quoting fallout 4

2018-10-31 01:57:30 UTC  

"Freedom" has destroyed the West

2018-10-31 01:57:43 UTC  

you mean jews

2018-10-31 01:57:51 UTC  

the same creators of communism

2018-10-31 01:58:22 UTC  

imagine blaming all your problems on Jews