Message from @Crazed Shotgun
Discord ID: 527750442218684417
I’m on my phone so I can’t post it right now
There’s an audiobook on jewtube. Make sure you listen to the Ford translation. It’s the only translation everyone trusts
I enjoy the voice actors, but if you want to read it
Ain't the Stalag edition better?
Physical copy > Audio book
physical copy + audio book is peak
Physical copy only
@Crazed Shotgun long time no see. I’ve never heard of the stalag version
@Excalibur sup man
I'll post the stalag edition now
Dunno. Church will be shorter now I guess
@Axel Yw. It’s on my server as well as carpathids imperium if you lose it or something
I dunno. The system seems like attendance in priesthood will be every other week
I hope it will be for the best
One thing for sure, the changing of home teaching has only seemed like a mistake
I just hope the church dosen't go PC and allow gay marriage
` it would be anywhere from right leaning to center gray area in its narratives since those tend to resonate the most with people.` @Bogatyr Bogumir Keep dreaming
though, it's a nice dream
it's amazing that people who are willing to link all kind of behavior to race and even ethnicity can't swallow the black pill here
look at academia
the least liberal faculties are in finance
does that mean finance has the fewest jews?
that should be a hint as to what's going on
Peterson explains it
the homo types are the ones attracted to go into hollywood
that'll be true with or without jews
@Reb Trump By that definition Jews are mostly homosexual, because otherwise you'd have more racial heterogeneity in hollywood.
To add to that, it does not even contemplate the fact Jews also occupy media disproportionately
Unless you want to tell me that on the whole homosexuals go into media and that most Jews are homosexuals
`By that definition Jews are mostly homosexual, because otherwise you'd have more racial heterogeneity in hollywood.` no
one doesn't follow from the other
that's like saying blacks are mostly elite athletes because most of elite athletes are black