Message from @Rex Colt

Discord ID: 456684739064102916

2018-06-14 04:59:49 UTC  

but a lot of them are obese...

2018-06-14 04:59:52 UTC  

The Irish are not white

2018-06-14 04:59:55 UTC  

and i KNOW why

2018-06-14 05:00:01 UTC  

Why are Irish not white?

2018-06-14 05:00:03 UTC  

the potato famine

2018-06-14 05:00:06 UTC  

killed all the skinny ones

2018-06-14 05:00:12 UTC  

same with dutch

2018-06-14 05:00:21 UTC  

That doesn't make any sense.

2018-06-14 05:00:27 UTC  

if you want an idea of how the celts and irish looked BEFORE that shit

2018-06-14 05:00:32 UTC  

@εïз irma εïз They do not come from nordic haplogroups, also there is a difference in skull shape

2018-06-14 05:00:34 UTC  

look at people from upstate NY and shit

2018-06-14 05:00:43 UTC  

Why is Nordic=white???

2018-06-14 05:00:48 UTC  

upstate NY types tend to have a lot of nordic phenotypes

2018-06-14 05:01:31 UTC  

only white countries

2018-06-14 05:01:36 UTC  

like this guy

2018-06-14 05:01:43 UTC  

that guys fom upstate NY

2018-06-14 05:01:47 UTC  

but has a nordid look

2018-06-14 05:01:49 UTC  

England (well, originally)
some parts of northern France

2018-06-14 05:02:05 UTC  


2018-06-14 05:02:06 UTC  

modern brits are almost never nordid

2018-06-14 05:02:06 UTC  

The Alpine Race is basically black

2018-06-14 05:02:09 UTC  

most of them LEFT

2018-06-14 05:02:28 UTC  

you look at brits now they look fat gangly and ghastly

2018-06-14 05:02:30 UTC  


2018-06-14 05:02:39 UTC  

they did it to themselves

2018-06-14 05:02:46 UTC  

thats why the founding fathers have that "jesus like nordic apperance"

2018-06-14 05:02:48 UTC  

>criticizes Freud for being pseudoscience
>uses 19th century-esque pseudoscientific categorizations of race

2018-06-14 05:02:53 UTC  


2018-06-14 05:02:54 UTC  

im laffin

2018-06-14 05:02:58 UTC  


2018-06-14 05:03:01 UTC  

theres truths

2018-06-14 05:03:05 UTC  

Everything is pseudoscience, I've just learned not to care.

2018-06-14 05:03:10 UTC  

IRish are Brunn and upper paleolithic

2018-06-14 05:03:17 UTC  

Jesus was middle eastern not nordic

2018-06-14 05:03:20 UTC  

descendants of the cro magnon men

2018-06-14 05:03:26 UTC  

I don't know what's a shitpost and what's a brainlet take anymore.

2018-06-14 05:03:32 UTC  


2018-06-14 05:03:32 UTC  

There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

2018-06-14 05:03:34 UTC  

thats why they look "cavemanish and brutish"

2018-06-14 05:03:57 UTC  

@Josh42A Nah, Jesus was Jewish.