Message from @Doctor Anon

Discord ID: 462111953301798914

2018-06-29 04:25:09 UTC  

You literally are. I just explained why you're making shit up and how it's factually incorrect.

2018-06-29 04:25:15 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:25:19 UTC  

I was right

2018-06-29 04:25:25 UTC  

It was originally free market

2018-06-29 04:25:34 UTC  

The economy abandoned laissez-faire economics a decade before the Pact of Steel.

2018-06-29 04:25:45 UTC  

More than a decade actually.

2018-06-29 04:25:49 UTC  

wait who were you saying 'I'm not' to?

2018-06-29 04:26:15 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:26:30 UTC  

Anon you are a dumb shitposter. You actually think Solzhenitsyn is an authoritative source on the Soviet gulag system. 👌 😂 👌 and that fascist Italy was a classical liberal state.

2018-06-29 04:26:41 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:26:42 UTC  

I think you're just baiting and you know the words you're saying are retarded.

2018-06-29 04:26:45 UTC  

I'm woke as fuck

2018-06-29 04:26:57 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:27:06 UTC  

I'm not baiting you ape

2018-06-29 04:27:11 UTC  

Then you genuinely are retarded.

2018-06-29 04:27:14 UTC  

Functional IQ of 20.

2018-06-29 04:27:23 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:27:30 UTC  

you can't call people Apes either br0 that's totally not cool

2018-06-29 04:27:44 UTC  

So far all you've done is repeat "it's center right" and "Italy was laissez-faire" in various renditions.

2018-06-29 04:27:48 UTC  

IQ is a measurement of intelligence based on bat intelligence

2018-06-29 04:27:55 UTC  

You're actually stupid

2018-06-29 04:28:09 UTC  

Also, China is not communist for shit

2018-06-29 04:28:14 UTC  

I think we can agree on this

2018-06-29 04:28:36 UTC  

It's state capitalism

2018-06-29 04:29:02 UTC  

>requiring citizens to be part of labor unions
>Labor Charter of 1927
>by the 30's more than half of the economy was under direction of the state
>"i-it's laissez-faire capitalism ape!!!"

2018-06-29 04:29:05 UTC  

Actually fucking retarded.

2018-06-29 04:29:39 UTC  

He only did has to appeal to hitler

2018-06-29 04:29:40 UTC  

The military industry especially was under strong control of the state, which is why vehicle manufacturers for the military were dominated by certain companies such as Fiat.

2018-06-29 04:30:01 UTC  

But he took those steps years before Hitler came to power and many many years before the Pact of Steel.

2018-06-29 04:30:06 UTC  

Before Hitler was even on his radar.

2018-06-29 04:30:09 UTC  

You actual mongoloid.

2018-06-29 04:30:10 UTC  

Or a capital Monopoly

2018-06-29 04:30:31 UTC  

It wasn't Fiat because of state

2018-06-29 04:30:38 UTC  

It was a capitalist Monopoly

2018-06-29 04:30:43 UTC  

That's why😂

2018-06-29 04:30:50 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:30:52 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:31:10 UTC  

Corporatism is the direction of state enterprises for state benefit by proxy of the worker though??? And regardless this debunks your own argument it was laissez-faire.

2018-06-29 04:31:12 UTC  


2018-06-29 04:31:13 UTC  

Stop fucking yourself.

2018-06-29 04:31:16 UTC  
