Message from @Doctor Anon

Discord ID: 465651661692600320

2018-07-08 22:43:27 UTC  

Spencer thinks arguing from "a right to exist" standpoint is better than arguing about race and IQ

2018-07-08 22:43:35 UTC  

Which is entirely false

2018-07-08 22:43:57 UTC  

The right to exist is dependent upon the fact there are racial differences being proven as fact

2018-07-08 22:44:22 UTC  

Because that is where you get your right to exist from

2018-07-08 22:45:59 UTC  

Nationalist, Anti-Communist, Ethical Capitalisitic, anti mass Immigration, covert Interventionist, anti international free trade, national focused Economy, no-welfare state, job programing, education overhaul, prison overhaul

2018-07-08 22:46:04 UTC  

Basically me.

2018-07-08 22:46:29 UTC  

I think there should be a welfare safety net, but it wouldn't be with money

2018-07-08 22:46:38 UTC  

You'd get shit tasting food and clothes delivered to you

2018-07-08 22:46:42 UTC  

But not money

2018-07-08 22:46:44 UTC  

Nah, job programs god speed

2018-07-08 22:46:50 UTC  

Give them jobs

2018-07-08 22:46:51 UTC  

If you want something better, you'd have to get you a fucking job

2018-07-08 22:46:56 UTC  

If they refuse a job, fuck em

2018-07-08 22:47:06 UTC  

No welfare what so ever

2018-07-08 22:47:10 UTC  

Only job programs

2018-07-08 22:47:37 UTC  

Welfare can come in via private charity
And by covertly Interventionist in Latin America, I mean this:

2018-07-08 22:48:01 UTC  

In a nutshell as compressed as I can make it because I can describe every fucked detail of it, bit basically increase the black budget (cia budget) and have them covertly support rebel groups like we did in South America in the 1960-80's. Stage coups of incompetent governments and prop up pro American governments. Retake the canal, send in the military to end drug trafficking and reinstate sending drug pins to American solitary confinement, or public execution. Help the populus out of poverty and unite south America under one American-led government. Encourage corporations to invest there and establish well payed job programs to lift it out of poverty. People immigrate because of bad conditions, this will also stop immigration (illegal) immigration to U.S

2018-07-08 22:50:46 UTC  

Maybe personal trainers should be free to unfits?
It would benefit them and inturn benefit us
If an unfit person wants to be fit, give him/her a personal trainer
Could be like a program actually
As a replacement for community service
If you committed a crime, and your very fit, as your community service be a personal trainer
It would boost social peace actually too
Promote friendliness between the criminals and the citizens
And reintegrate the criminals into society

2018-07-08 22:51:10 UTC  

As someone who used to be a fatty, I certainly think that we need more physical fitness programs

2018-07-08 22:53:09 UTC  

Require fatties to be partnered with a personal trainer?

2018-07-08 22:53:27 UTC  

Such as from the proposed program shove

2018-07-08 22:55:43 UTC  

I don't know, maybe

2018-07-08 22:55:49 UTC  

Or maybe some kind of community thing in general

2018-07-08 23:13:05 UTC

2018-07-08 23:46:26 UTC  


2018-07-08 23:47:54 UTC  

i think the admins use dynobot idk

2018-07-09 00:58:00 UTC  
2018-07-09 00:58:05 UTC  

Dyno doesn't vet

2018-07-09 00:58:10 UTC  

Dyno does other things\

2018-07-09 00:58:27 UTC  

I think they use Dyno to post the vetting questions

2018-07-09 00:58:38 UTC  

But anyway

2018-07-09 00:58:46 UTC  

wut no they go like ?vet to vet people

2018-07-09 00:59:08 UTC  

Oh, well you don't even have to do that. They made a custom command then that gives people a role

2018-07-09 00:59:49 UTC  

The short of it is, you make a channel that newbies can see, and to let them into the server, you give them a role

2018-07-09 01:00:16 UTC  

And that role has permissions to view the other channels

2018-07-09 01:00:26 UTC  

Or, you can do it the opposite way, make a role that is automatically applied to new members using a bot (which is easy as fuck to do)

2018-07-09 01:00:44 UTC  

And take that role away and then they have permission to view the other channels

2018-07-09 01:02:27 UTC  

Which is how I did it

2018-07-09 01:02:42 UTC  

I will post screenshots in <#452955283241566228>

2018-07-09 02:04:33 UTC  

You guys are fucking idots Mussolini invented Fascism

2018-07-09 02:26:58 UTC  

Karl Marx invented fascism