Message from @Doctor Anon

Discord ID: 485203712218890242

2018-08-31 21:40:08 UTC  

Which is just a cover for Socialism

2018-08-31 21:40:29 UTC  

The server tolerates different political beliefs

2018-08-31 21:40:36 UTC  

That doesn't mean individuals do

2018-08-31 21:40:47 UTC  

i mean i’m not covering up that i’m a socialist

2018-08-31 21:40:53 UTC  

I used to be a hardcore communist

2018-08-31 21:41:02 UTC  

except for just now because i’m not sure how people take it here

2018-08-31 21:41:33 UTC  

Most people won't care as long as you can debate properly

2018-08-31 21:41:53 UTC  

that’s fine as long as other people will do the same

2018-08-31 21:41:59 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:42:36 UTC  

anyway i’m not just here to stir up shit i’m genuinely curious about other people’s opinions

2018-08-31 21:43:32 UTC  

Zexy is

2018-08-31 21:43:33 UTC  

Something special..

2018-08-31 21:44:06 UTC  

yes i gathered from what i have seen so far

2018-08-31 21:44:48 UTC  

Just so you know, there are 3 tiers.
Senior Citizen
and Honored Citizen

2018-08-31 21:45:22 UTC

2018-08-31 21:45:36 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:45:51 UTC  

is senior citizen for old people then

2018-08-31 21:45:55 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:46:00 UTC  

Integralism or death.

2018-08-31 21:46:09 UTC  

Level 10 activity @ham addition

2018-08-31 21:46:19 UTC  
2018-08-31 21:46:20 UTC

2018-08-31 21:46:29 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:47:20 UTC  

@ham addition check out <#479347111775830017>

2018-08-31 21:47:40 UTC  

i’ve already voted on all of them

2018-08-31 21:47:49 UTC  

or at least the ones i have an opinion on

2018-08-31 21:47:56 UTC  

I think I know what you voted already

2018-08-31 21:48:27 UTC

2018-08-31 21:48:31 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:49:00 UTC  

i’m sure people here would have an absolute field trip with my politiscales

2018-08-31 21:49:13 UTC  

I'm going to retake it.

2018-08-31 21:50:00 UTC  

@ham addition it's 8values

2018-08-31 21:50:11 UTC  

Take an 8values

2018-08-31 21:50:13 UTC  


2018-08-31 21:50:30 UTC  

yeah but ive already done politiscales and i cba doing another one

2018-08-31 21:50:32 UTC  

The test is biased a bit though

2018-08-31 21:50:48 UTC  

It puts you as authoriatian if you don't want gay marriage, or weed legalized

2018-08-31 21:52:08 UTC

2018-08-31 21:52:11 UTC  

^my previous one

2018-08-31 21:52:23 UTC  

either way most of mine are so extreme that bias wouldn’t make a difference anyway

2018-08-31 21:52:38 UTC  
