Message from @Jay1532
Discord ID: 489657004994985994
What kind?
Medication exists for most issues
Just fertility stuff
Just keep fooking until it happens <:SquidDab:459545666725609493>
Good luck with that
If one partner is fertile you could always hire a surrogate
@Jay1532 no
Cuckery is degenerate
So you disapprove of adoption then?
It's not really cuckoldry is it
I’d really rather not talk any more about my medical history, just leave it at I’ll have to adopt.
If you arent *completely* infertile it's statistically likely for you to get pregnant
Adopt a white then
But adoption is important in society, it balances the death of parents so there aren’t as many parentless orphans
So I might as well make the best of my situation
Single motherhood needs to be discouraged, it pisses me off so many just encourage it
Yeah, but a lot of cucked whites look to bring in babies from Africa or east Asia to virtue signal their liberal friends
I’d never be a single mother frick that hookey
Nuclear families are the most stable
That’s ironic.
Because of what nuclear means
But yes
A big red pill though is that mass media is *necessarily* degenerative even without Jewish involvement. The impact of boredom and the medium itself requires an increasing amount of conflict plots and consumer boredom means they have to, like porn, involve increasing shock to maintain the original response
Yeah tv rots your brain yadayada
So it’s only natural that cheating, divorce, and many other things get normalized
That wasn’t sarcastic I’m agreeing
It’s not all about you, though. Individualism blinds our people from seeing problems
Patriarchal families are preferable
Because *we* can always ignore the problem, but have compassion for those less than yourself
A good mother and father really don’t require one have “control”
I don’t see how patriarchy is preferred
Not that matriarchy is
But I don’t think it matters