Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 489759192752586752
I find it saddening how no one period addresses the global depression problem.
The struggle to attain biological attachment leads to unsatisfactory relationships down the roads
one of the biggest redpills for me was waking up in that incubation sack and finding out machines were harvesting our body heat to power themselves while reality as as I knew it was just a computer program
Depression is a byproduct
Video games kinda fucked everything up for everybody
Low key
They marked the transition of densely interactive communities into NEETs
internet too
im certain
Yeah, the internet didn’t help
Social media specifically
People don’t get hooked on Wikipedia lol
Here's a recent red pill for me.
As far as social order goes there is a slight issue, because naturally men are more assertive and women want to follow strong stoic men. Its the natural drive of humanity. But is that how it ought to be. IMO yes because it produces the most happiness. As such the man is responsible for all good and bad that comes with his decisions or even those of his wife and children. It does really order society into what could be considered an optimal state but is this in fact patriarchy or something else entirely? Patriarchy in general assigns primary decision making and power to the man however for his home to be stable he must respect and cherish his wife, the mother of his children, to no end. Subsequently he must be willing to sacrifice everything for their wellbeing. This is a position of not only power but responsibility and it is not power without massive input. It would make him a terrible father if he did not consider his wifes input, who knows what is best for the home and who rules the home.
Even if the decisions in the end are made by the father the wife is literally queen of the home while he is king of the land. As such neither party is really without power, rather they both have massive power and if either refuses to play their role it leads to disaster. If one fails to play their role it leads to disaster much like in modern times or if one betrayls loyalty and trust. It establishes a veyr stable family structure nad doesnt exclude women from the power structure at all and I would argue even grants them a privilaged position. They bear no brunt of the repercussions for many of their actions, they then dont have as many responsibilities that are dangerous, or alternatively they have power to greatly influence and direct home finances, and home life and even the political life of the home, without the consequences beign directed directly at her. As such she is insulated and protected from the world affecting her however she may at will affect the world. Is this therefore patriarchy, yes. But is patriarchy some evil force that makes women utterly powerles? No. History also demonstrates this. (Also patriarchal societies do not bar women from work, they bar women from employment at anothers buisnuss, thus keeping the family together and protecting them from the consequences that come with such work. And instead allow them to focus on developing themselves and their buisnuss and home. It wasnt unpopular for women to simply have their own buisnusss.
or to work at their husbands buisnuss, alongside him, generally they also had great influence in the politics of the home and governed home finances, which persists to this day. This order never really let and female attraction to this day searches for a ypically patriarchal male. Hell in eastern europe for example Poland up until my generation, most woen would only get into relationships with the promise of a wedding, go to university to meet a man her equal if not superior intellectually. They would look for a man who coul guarantee her staying at home rather than going to work. This is not because of some social constructed order, rathr its the natural order because communism taught this gender equality BS but somewhow it didnt really translate to reality and what women wanted.
(also any woman that has legitimatley worked hard, and I mean as hard if not harder than the average man will admit and confess after 5 - 10 years that she would rather be pregnant, barefoot, in the home with the kids. Having as man y of them as she can and raising them all to be great members of society)
And it’s partly right but partly wrapped in your pseudo-conception of a rose colored past
The masculine role has changed and evolved over the centuries
Dandies were for about a century the desired mates
That is within a patriarchal framework of course
It’s just that your concept of the male spirit is laden with your biases and ignores the true course of history
There is probably other problems with your thoughts but I cannot bother to give a mediocrity like yourself any more serious attention than I have already granted
The thing is, selection has been irrevocably altered, to a point where our idealized male figure is much more attainable. We just need consistent role models.
Caustic has always been one of the more sensible voices in a chatroom
@Deleted User says the inbred Arab
@Queek you didn't awnser me xd
do you play wh40
ye noice xd
what race
No I'm just a techpriest to look cool to the neckbeard crowd hehe
And either cogpeople cause skitarii OP or mighty mighty SPHES MARINES
oh sheet