Message from @Doctor Anon

Discord ID: 505928111456649216

2018-10-28 02:10:39 UTC  

If you think the guy who shot them up was a good goy, you're mentally incapable of being part of the 4th reich

2018-10-28 02:11:01 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:11:36 UTC  

The anti-jews want to go mainstream and have hatred of jews be normalized, all this did was drive normality *away* from the cause

2018-10-28 02:12:03 UTC  

Granted most anti-jewish people are already mentally retarded

2018-10-28 02:12:47 UTC  

The media can't really attack his cause anymore than it already is, as I said. He didn't really negatively impact public perception.

2018-10-28 02:12:48 UTC  

anti semitism shall be charished in every house hold

2018-10-28 02:13:27 UTC  

The public already thinks people like him are all domestic terrorists that hate everyone and everything.

2018-10-28 02:13:52 UTC  

in the movement*

2018-10-28 02:14:12 UTC  

My fam approached me today asking if I was a terrorist or planning to be

2018-10-28 02:14:16 UTC  

Regarding that attack

2018-10-28 02:14:40 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:15:11 UTC  

The entire current anti-jew movement is mentally retarded and dosent deserve to exist alongside communists

2018-10-28 02:15:31 UTC  

communists deserve to exist

2018-10-28 02:15:33 UTC  

thats a good one

2018-10-28 02:15:46 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:15:48 UTC  

@Doctor Anon are you okay with kikes?

2018-10-28 02:15:52 UTC  

Trying to understand

2018-10-28 02:17:08 UTC  

watch your language boi

2018-10-28 02:17:28 UTC  

Im acquainted with many high-profile kikes, my family specifically is very close with rich and governmental jews, but no im not okay with them, the high profile ones, the average every day jew is a normal joe.

2018-10-28 02:17:33 UTC  

inb4 kike shill

2018-10-28 02:17:41 UTC  

inb4 traitor

2018-10-28 02:17:47 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:18:22 UTC  

without a solution to the jewish question there is no salvation for humanity

2018-10-28 02:18:37 UTC  

Y'all goofy ass nibbas need to accept that not every jew is a zionist demon worshipper

2018-10-28 02:18:39 UTC  

jews must go extinct , we leave no chance

2018-10-28 02:20:04 UTC  

Thats not going to happen

2018-10-28 02:20:16 UTC  

Bible foretells jews bringing the end times

2018-10-28 02:20:20 UTC  

inb4 sand religion

2018-10-28 02:20:35 UTC  

sand religion

2018-10-28 02:21:12 UTC  

>believing the jew book accurately predicts the jews future

2018-10-28 02:21:14 UTC  

@Obungus nah brah everyone who is jewish is automatically part of the mossad

2018-10-28 02:21:33 UTC  

im not taking any chances

2018-10-28 02:21:34 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:21:44 UTC  

we gotta finish what uncle adolf started

2018-10-28 02:21:54 UTC  

whoa whoa whoa

2018-10-28 02:22:06 UTC  

why dont we just take the jews and push them somewhere else

2018-10-28 02:22:17 UTC  

no need to get all rough with em

2018-10-28 02:22:32 UTC  

*6 million* wasnt enough

2018-10-28 02:22:41 UTC  


2018-10-28 02:23:04 UTC  

B- based