Message from @PebbЛe

Discord ID: 507766669356040251

2018-11-02 03:57:30 UTC  

Who am i praying to when i pray to God?

2018-11-02 03:57:46 UTC  

Am i praying to *God* as the single entity, or am praying to all 3?

2018-11-02 03:58:01 UTC  

Apologies for all the questions, im just confused.

2018-11-02 03:58:51 UTC  

You're praying to the Father

2018-11-02 03:59:42 UTC  

Aren’t your praying to the Holy Spirit and the father?

2018-11-02 03:59:56 UTC  

I dont often pray directly to the Holy Spirit

2018-11-02 04:00:07 UTC  

prayer includes the Son and Spirit sometimes but the Father is the main recipient

2018-11-02 04:00:16 UTC  

What do you think about this
"In the Bible’s second verse something else is first mentioned: "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." This word "spirit" is from the Hebrew ruach which means either breath or wind. In Greek this phrase is kai pneuma theou or "the breath of The God." A pneuma or ruach is an invisible force which exerts a pressure like wind. Pneuma or ruach is not a person but is a force. Some translators actually use "wind" instead of the Old English word ‘spirit.""

2018-11-02 04:00:38 UTC  

i dont care

2018-11-02 04:00:45 UTC  

Read it dammit

2018-11-02 04:00:55 UTC  

*god was a hurricane, confirmed*

2018-11-02 04:01:38 UTC  

i'm not sure what you want me to glean from this

2018-11-02 04:02:05 UTC  

Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto his disciples

2018-11-02 04:02:14 UTC  

Alright, i think we both are sufficiently confused.

2018-11-02 04:02:43 UTC  

>not worshipping thor

2018-11-02 04:02:45 UTC  

come on guys

2018-11-02 04:02:51 UTC  

i am not confused

2018-11-02 04:02:54 UTC  

This is my current belief as i know it:
God is one. God is eternal and is a being, God *is* the Father and *then* there is the Holy Spirit and the Son

2018-11-02 04:03:10 UTC  

@The Big Oof I added RT to <#452955247246311424>

2018-11-02 04:03:15 UTC  


2018-11-02 04:03:27 UTC  

God is one, God is eternal and is unknowable, The Father is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and the Son is God

2018-11-02 04:03:44 UTC  

I don't believe in that

2018-11-02 04:03:50 UTC  

But oh well

2018-11-02 04:04:05 UTC  

We'll know for sure when we're dead

2018-11-02 04:04:21 UTC  

Can't wait for that Catholic Purgatory place

2018-11-02 04:04:31 UTC  

well neither catholics or orthodox disagree on the trinity

2018-11-02 04:04:35 UTC  

just the procession of the holy spirit

2018-11-02 04:04:41 UTC  

when talking trinity

2018-11-02 04:05:13 UTC  
2018-11-02 04:05:22 UTC  

In your opinion

2018-11-02 04:05:36 UTC  

What creates and maintains religion

2018-11-02 04:05:51 UTC  

i may be a retard, but from what u say im getting 3 branches uniting into one Trunk, not one Trunk (God, which is a conscious being separate from the trinity) willingly dividing itself into 3 branches

2018-11-02 04:06:10 UTC  

The culture of it, the hope it provides, the gaps it fills, is it manipulation, etc?

2018-11-02 04:06:10 UTC  

do you want my religious opinion or some shitty cultural/ethnic cop out @L0GAN

2018-11-02 04:06:16 UTC  


2018-11-02 04:06:53 UTC  

cohesion of culture and ethnicity strengthens perpetuates it because it perpetuates the cohesion

2018-11-02 04:06:54 UTC  

Alright ima get off and think for a bit

@PebbЛe Nice Chat, a change from the shitposting you are known for

2018-11-02 04:07:01 UTC  

@Doctor Anon ave maria

2018-11-02 04:07:20 UTC  

I never thought i'd see the day Pebble could say something unironically

2018-11-02 04:07:53 UTC  

Im giving you Honored Citizen

2018-11-02 04:08:25 UTC  

@L0GAN the religious belief is what Jesus said, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."