Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 516711233332969473

2018-11-26 20:18:37 UTC  

@Deleted User stop spamming faggot

2018-11-26 20:18:42 UTC  


2018-11-26 20:18:57 UTC  

ay lmao

2018-11-26 20:19:06 UTC  

if you love satan go to hell

2018-11-26 20:19:30 UTC  

⛽ ✡

2018-11-26 20:22:14 UTC  

Do you guys know Ryan Dawson?

2018-11-26 20:22:28 UTC  


2018-11-26 20:22:37 UTC  

@Deleted User it worked here

2018-11-26 20:22:47 UTC  

Except it didn't give u the role

2018-11-26 20:22:48 UTC  


2018-11-26 20:22:57 UTC  

@Doctor Anon can I delete all his gospel

2018-11-26 20:23:05 UTC

2018-11-26 20:23:17 UTC  

@Deleted User leave it

2018-11-26 20:23:22 UTC  


2018-11-26 20:23:56 UTC  

He's not doing any harm

2018-11-26 20:24:43 UTC  

He has good research into 9/11 and JFK. He only follows the paper trail and proves it leads back to (((them))). He calls them out. The only thing that sucks is that he wont admit the holocaust didn't happen, but he's good on everything else.

2018-11-26 20:25:08 UTC  

God So loved All his creation, That satan the Great Deciever and Serpent, Was not Destroyed and removed from time, He was given the choice to repent or be imprisoned, and satan refused, So our merciful and loving GOD imprisoned satan for ten thousand years, promising he could rule over gods creation for a thousand years to Teach satan that only god can rule, God Was So merciful, That the one creature in existance who has spent every waking moment trying to undermine the lord, Was forgiven, And is still being given a chance, It says that if satan doesnt repent after his thousand years He will be cast into the Fire, The Second Death, Imprisonment yet again, Not Destruction but instead Imprisonment, Waiting for his Most majestic angel to Return to Glory and to return to the Lords love

2018-11-26 20:25:18 UTC  

bro i just watched two documentaries about jfk

2018-11-26 20:25:27 UTC  

and i saw his brains blown out

2018-11-26 20:25:51 UTC  

**bullet knockback 100**

2018-11-26 20:25:58 UTC  

He doesn't go into physics theories, but he does prove Israeli connections to almost everything using govt documents. He is good redpill material for normies tired of idiots like Alex Jones

2018-11-26 20:27:21 UTC  

Not only Izrael but the USA is devloping a rifle system based on the AR-15 called the WAD-40 (I think i keep forgetting the name) Maybe WAC-40 or something. Not only that they are sellig massive amounts of guns to Kiev. Its a clusterfuck, but one thing is clear, is that svoboda that won are neo nazi's on the USA's payroll.

Also Kiev CAN make equipment, they have the capacity, hell Donbass has developed a makarov cartrige SMG, all home made, and its sketchy as fuck but it works. There is no way Kiev otherwise wants to buy rather than make. Also Ukraine is debatably distinct however much of modern ukraine is not and never was ukranian. Hell Kiev i believe was establish by the Rus. We then had the khanats etc. and cossacks who were a mix of everything because they were a class of people not an ethnicity. Ukraine is artificial in its existence, all the way up until recently being recognized as an independant state.

also the jew slav thing, if they have that little je win them it sprobably not hta tlittle to identify with jews. rather id say they are far more jewish than they like to say. For example Poles hate jews, we are very anti jewish. And yet the govorment is overrun with them.

2018-11-26 20:27:29 UTC  

alex aka the gay frog

2018-11-26 20:28:22 UTC  

This is so sad, Alexa play mi general augusto pinochet.

2018-11-26 20:28:23 UTC  

his **healthy suppliments** dont even work

2018-11-26 20:28:44 UTC  

I ordered them

2018-11-26 20:28:55 UTC  

also as far as I have researched death, god will accept you to his heaven no matter who you are, if you belief or blasphemy him, or deny him. He will accept you. The phenomena is universal and identicle regardless of culture, varying only in interpretation. Hence we have reason to assume that this is something outside of the brain yada yada (additionally th ephenomena occurs when there are no mor e brainwaves ie consciousness.

2018-11-26 20:28:57 UTC  

and shipped it bac

2018-11-26 20:29:12 UTC  

muh internet

2018-11-26 20:29:18 UTC  

@|4d|61|74|74| That is THE best alex jones remix i have found to date

2018-11-26 20:29:29 UTC  

the only better one is his indie folk song remix

2018-11-26 20:29:30 UTC  

I listen to it like to music

2018-11-26 20:29:49 UTC  

its top tier music, compared to mainstream

2018-11-26 20:29:55 UTC

2018-11-26 20:29:55 UTC  


2018-11-26 20:29:56 UTC  

its actual art

2018-11-26 20:30:05 UTC  

this fucking image

2018-11-26 20:30:09 UTC  

I cant fucking hold myself

2018-11-26 20:30:11 UTC  

every time I see it

2018-11-26 20:31:17 UTC  

im checking out the indie one rn