Message from @chadmin
Discord ID: 518625949109977090
Lemme stay
@Nio Pomilia virgin
Yes, I am a virgin
you believe in the system that bends you over
at least you don't support the kikes to the east
join the left and refuse to bow down to the tyrants on the right and their white agenda
Pro-Holy Bible, Pro-capitalism, Pro-death penalty, Anti-israel
jews = muslims
sums we up
am I meming too hard?
jews = muslims
they worship the same god
right, SATAN
expect to be dead tomorrow
blown up
give me your adress
@Nio Pomilia do you consider yourself white
Dude, chill
or just chill
I'm here to chill, i'm interested in partnering a server, i just started a new right wing server
im talking with 2100 about it
we arent uptight
just get to 150 members
hmm okay, thats my goal
hi guys
New here
ok hello