Message from @Hagre

Discord ID: 525796814096564235

2018-12-21 22:07:04 UTC  

but only the ones with higher iq, that demonstrated to not act like monkeys in social enviroments

2018-12-21 22:07:06 UTC  

no ned to have the right to vote

2018-12-21 22:07:08 UTC  


2018-12-21 22:07:24 UTC  

What country are y’all talking about

2018-12-21 22:07:28 UTC  

@Similar Scowl so literally any African Black immigrant coming to the US?

2018-12-21 22:07:37 UTC  

no, i jest

2018-12-21 22:07:41 UTC  

@turdlicka420 i was mainly thinking america, but im not american lol

2018-12-21 22:07:42 UTC  

but American Blacks are terrible

2018-12-21 22:07:42 UTC  

Cuz if u talking about America imthe only native and eurocucks don’t belong here and white ppl in general

2018-12-21 22:07:47 UTC  

they're literal monkeys

2018-12-21 22:07:52 UTC  

I’m Native American/indigenous

2018-12-21 22:07:57 UTC  

@Hagre thats why im talking about O U T L I E R S

2018-12-21 22:08:03 UTC  

Every white person should gtfo all they do is fuck up our land

2018-12-21 22:08:13 UTC  

most African immigrants I know actually hate American Blacks

2018-12-21 22:08:17 UTC  


2018-12-21 22:08:20 UTC  

"our land"

2018-12-21 22:08:22 UTC  

oh its you again the native american that went to jail

2018-12-21 22:08:23 UTC  

yeah sure

2018-12-21 22:08:36 UTC  

White people are cucks and don’t understand the environment and our land they just sit on their asses inside all day

2018-12-21 22:08:44 UTC  

What’s up @Similar Scowl

2018-12-21 22:08:49 UTC  

the original European settlers that came to what would be the US improved your land if anything

2018-12-21 22:08:59 UTC  

Na they fucked it up

2018-12-21 22:09:03 UTC  

We know how to take care of it

2018-12-21 22:09:06 UTC  

how'd they do that?

2018-12-21 22:09:10 UTC  

"take care of it"

2018-12-21 22:09:14 UTC  

and what does that mean?

2018-12-21 22:09:15 UTC  

@turdlicka420 you guys got conquered and fucked so idk what say you have on who should own your land

2018-12-21 22:09:36 UTC  

Fuck every European settler shit they couldnt even fight right I’m a descendant of war chiefs

2018-12-21 22:09:37 UTC  

would you have extensively developed your lands the way the European settlers did?

2018-12-21 22:09:43 UTC  

This ain’t white ppl land it’s our land

2018-12-21 22:09:48 UTC  

what is the way to "fight right"?

2018-12-21 22:09:52 UTC  

Then again I’m a native nationalist

2018-12-21 22:10:20 UTC  

native as in all natives. Thing is the natives were killing each other nad taking land since the dawn of time

2018-12-21 22:10:22 UTC  

we wouldn’t have damaged it as much as it is damaged now and my tribes came from the Aztecs and Mayans who were superior agriculturalists

2018-12-21 22:10:23 UTC  

tell me, how much do you know abut modern warfare?

2018-12-21 22:10:30 UTC  

establishing original boarders is nigh impossible now

2018-12-21 22:10:47 UTC  

native americans arent a real problem either, turdlicka is just an outlier i suppose

2018-12-21 22:11:04 UTC  

Mexicans can come in cuz their natives that just walked a little further they’re our cousins but white ppl should gtfo they don’t belong here

2018-12-21 22:11:14 UTC  

Who said we was a problem @Similar Scowl

2018-12-21 22:11:31 UTC  

and how would your people have improved the land that the Europeans settled?

2018-12-21 22:11:37 UTC  

we were talking about blacks and i just wanted to make a distinction