Message from @IV LI V S

Discord ID: 527731098097287218

2018-12-27 06:09:09 UTC  

the logistics of deisplacing that horde do not add up in any timeline

2018-12-27 06:09:25 UTC  

A disease could help.

2018-12-27 06:09:47 UTC  

where's your team of genocidal pathologists

2018-12-27 06:10:25 UTC  

I'm not a pathologist, but I am going into genetic engineering so I'll see if in my spare time I could work something out.

2018-12-27 06:10:50 UTC  

we do need another plague though

2018-12-27 06:11:11 UTC  

I would not risk unleasing a super plague on humanity

2018-12-27 06:11:23 UTC  

the risks are too high no matter how you think you're targetting it

2018-12-27 06:11:49 UTC  

Make it bind to certain proteins only certain people have

2018-12-27 06:12:13 UTC  

could you ever be sure enough of its total effects

2018-12-27 06:12:38 UTC  

Perhaps a mutation or two, depends on environmental factors.

2018-12-27 06:12:57 UTC  

Maybe not kill them, just render them infertile

2018-12-27 06:13:12 UTC  

and one or two mutations later you're killing a billion you didn't target

2018-12-27 06:13:22 UTC  


2018-12-27 06:13:27 UTC  

slow their breeding down a bit.

2018-12-27 06:13:39 UTC  

I have had the infertility genocide concept before

2018-12-27 06:14:06 UTC  

Not genocide, it wont kill them off entirely. Just the ones in America.

2018-12-27 06:14:10 UTC  

due to self segregation the best method is drinking water

2018-12-27 06:14:20 UTC  

but then again, we have airports

2018-12-27 06:14:25 UTC  

could go worldwide

2018-12-27 06:14:40 UTC  

you would hit countless innocents but at least you could accurately estimate the extent of the damage

2018-12-27 06:14:58 UTC  

and it would enable the use of a chemical agent instead of a bio-weapon

2018-12-27 06:15:10 UTC  

risk of side effects is managable

2018-12-27 06:15:44 UTC  

If it is only active in certain people with a certain Genotype, even if a person is infected it wouldn't affect them.

2018-12-27 06:15:55 UTC  

nah that's too optimistic

2018-12-27 06:16:18 UTC  

you would be nuking the gonads of many millions of metropolitan whites as well

2018-12-27 06:16:29 UTC  

it would render many half breeds infertile

2018-12-27 06:16:59 UTC  

you could mitigate it with a lead up fear campaign to make some wealthier folks buy filters and stop drinking tap

2018-12-27 06:17:00 UTC  

It's a viral infection dude, no radiation needed.

2018-12-27 06:17:29 UTC  

Chemical weapons have gruesome deaths attached

2018-12-27 06:17:34 UTC  

lab spawned mega viruses are not something I would ever fuck around with

2018-12-27 06:17:43 UTC  

you can't control them

2018-12-27 06:17:53 UTC  

chemical is the only safe way

2018-12-27 06:18:19 UTC  

Bio and chemical means have both positives and negatives

2018-12-27 06:18:47 UTC

2018-12-27 06:19:04 UTC  

lol siegefags

2018-12-27 06:19:40 UTC  

Siege is a good book, but don't use it as an excuse to larp.

2018-12-27 06:27:59 UTC  

I feel gross, I've mismatched gear from all countries and eras of conflict.

2018-12-27 06:35:10 UTC  

isn't that the goal

2018-12-27 06:41:48 UTC  

German M42 helmet (recreation), russian gp5 gas mask(original) , US Vietnam war fatigues (recreation), Modern plate carrier.

2018-12-27 06:42:31 UTC  

feels gross man, its conflicting aesthetics

2018-12-27 06:47:58 UTC  

when I get home I'll take a picture of the assembled gear, its gonna look gross man.