Message from @_ʀᴇɪɴɴ [Deleted]

Discord ID: 582702319401959444

2019-05-27 22:36:09 UTC  


2019-05-27 22:36:19 UTC  

What am I saying that gets my messages deleted?

2019-05-27 22:37:08 UTC  

But, aside from that, it's silly to even compare the United States Military power in 2019 to WWII Germany or Napoleon's.

2019-05-27 22:38:00 UTC  

their militaries were pretty massive for their times, I agree with you that in an eventual war between Russia and the US, Russia will lose without doubt

2019-05-27 22:38:14 UTC  

Yeah, they were massive, but that's what the United States *doesn't* need.

2019-05-27 22:38:44 UTC  

The technological disparity and the logistics between the two countries is absolutely insane.

2019-05-27 22:39:54 UTC  

I'm just simply saying that the United States won't lose as much as people assume.

2019-05-27 22:41:08 UTC  

And yet Russia simply stepped in Europe, took Crimea from Ukraine which was on it's way to become a NATO & US puppet, and the US did nothing even when they supposedly have such a huge technological & logistical advantage ?

2019-05-27 22:41:59 UTC  

Russia has threatened to absolutely nuke the shit out of everything (even themselves) if the United States even ATTEMPTS to fight them.

2019-05-27 22:42:07 UTC  

They don't want to fight us AT ALL.

2019-05-27 22:42:19 UTC  

Once we get those lasers, there's no issue.

2019-05-27 22:42:23 UTC  

It's all good in the neighborhood.

2019-05-27 22:47:39 UTC  

It's a race against time, in the long term run I agree that Russia still wont be able to do anything by itself. China is eventually going to topple the US as the biggest economy however and if they play their cards right they have a huge potential to become the second global superpower given enough time

2019-05-27 22:48:11 UTC  

and they're establishing some pretty good friendship relations with Russia

2019-05-27 22:48:17 UTC  

Ehh.. I mean, China's fate depends on how much they want to test us.

2019-05-27 22:48:39 UTC  

They want to try and sink a U.S. Aircraft Carrier because they think Americans are scared and won't do anything about it.

2019-05-27 22:48:47 UTC  

Killing 5,000 Sailors in the process.

2019-05-27 22:49:23 UTC  

The Pentagon told China we'll personally burn down Beijing ourselves if they did that.

2019-05-27 22:49:33 UTC  

There's other spheres of warfare nowadays

2019-05-27 22:50:54 UTC  

China just simply isn't much of a military threat aside from naval, anyway.

2019-05-27 22:50:59 UTC  

Or nuclear.

2019-05-27 22:51:03 UTC  


2019-05-27 22:51:10 UTC  

I wouldn't count on it.

2019-05-27 22:51:32 UTC  

The United States would never let someone like Russia or China have the power we do or more.

2019-05-27 22:51:47 UTC  

So, I guarantee the moment they get on that road, they're going to get flamed.

2019-05-27 22:52:54 UTC  

China just isn't near as powerful as people think they are when it comes to military.

2019-05-27 22:53:01 UTC  

They don't really know what they're doing.

2019-05-27 22:54:39 UTC  

Both Russia & China have suffered some pretty serious damage on their mainland in the past, and yet they're still making some decent progress

2019-05-27 22:55:31 UTC  

That's very true.

2019-05-27 22:55:42 UTC  

Russia has especially recovered from some shit.

2019-05-27 23:01:25 UTC  

The US however hasn't really suffered much damage, which gives them some nice advantage, the other avantage that the US has is that they've pumped massive amounts of money into their military industry for a long period of time, they've engaged wars all around the world and they've established military bases in a ton of countries which pretty much gives them geo-strategical advantage over all of their eventual enemies

2019-05-27 23:02:16 UTC  

and yet the US owns 1.13 trillion $ to China

2019-05-27 23:10:07 UTC  

Sorry, I'm talking to my friend about guns at the same time. Lmfao

2019-05-27 23:10:10 UTC  

Let me read this.

2019-05-27 23:10:32 UTC  

The U.S. won't owe anything to them if they're destroyed.

2019-05-27 23:10:38 UTC  


2019-05-27 23:36:16 UTC  

in order for the US to fund a military which is worth as much as the other 7 countries was it? that are ranked after them, they gotta constantly get the federal reserve to print dollars, the federal reserve is a privately owned bank and so far because the US hasn't really suffered any significant damage they've been able to keep things stable by slowly accumulating debt towards the FED. And in order for money to circulate, the US has been partially using the gold of a dozen various countries which are vaulted in the federal reserve bank in NY.

The world ain't stupid tho, a lot of those countries have already started repatriating their gold reserves and given enough time the US economy feel this. The petrodollar, which is also one of the huge sources of income for the US is slowly starting to collapse, it wont happen overnight ofc but given enough time it'll become much less powerfull which will also cause a strain on US economy.

Considering the fact that even a country like Turkey which in an eventual war against Russia would be a huge key player coz of the nukes, is slowly starting to shift towards Russia, and also considering the fact that a lot of European countries which are part of NATO will not blindly comply with US plans, and then if we add external factors such as the rest of the BRICS countries, NK and a couple of other countries which have been invaded by the US in the past and hold a grudge

2019-05-27 23:36:35 UTC  

the US will eventually lose it's status as the only global superpower

2019-05-27 23:37:00 UTC  

i had to take a 15 min break to grab something to eat in the middle of writing this hahaha

2019-05-27 23:52:33 UTC  

By the way, so far the US has interfered against any country which has either tried to ditch the petrodollar in the past or just had some other significant strategical advantage which the US wanted to exploit (the whole middle east pretty much and others), by doing that they've made sure that first - their huge expenses in their military are properly circulating and second - after wrecking havock in those countries the US pushed it's own governments and made dozens and dozens of various concession agreements for all sorts of different public services and sectors, which means that they received huge chunks of the whole infrastructure of those countries for almost nothing and made huge profit out of it.

2019-05-27 23:57:39 UTC  
