Message from @GoogleThis
Discord ID: 584206345440591902
bro, you cited thinkprogress which had a faulty and misleading statistics where they used to different forums of estimating to compare and contrast
the US is a model of how to properly implement a police state and get away with it
and not even one study, just articles
"Police state"
Not policing the right things obviously
epic bbc 3
instead of policing corrupt businuess practices they just keep jailing black people for non violent drug offenses
lol bbc
literal comedy channel
@Deleted User be tolerant shade
Have you ever considered that more black people get jailed because more black people commit crime?
America be like: about as many prisoners per capita as the soviet union had in the gulags in the 50s, calls itself the freest nation on earth
@GoogleThis I know, my bad
>Jails more people than the soviets
>Doesn't jail prostituting your 11 year old son
it jails people mainly for non violent drug crime
not for having your son dress in drag
holy hell
hold up
okay, so you are telling me
that china
where literal re education camps are a thing
where crimes so minor can land you years in jail
yet somehow managers to have a smaller percent of its population then the US in prison
its just because they are less violent?
are americans just like naturally predisposed to being violent?
is that your claim?
Yes, Chinese people are statistically less likely to commit violent crimes
well they are on average, and not americans, demographic can be narrowed down
hmm massive surveillance turns the population into mindless drones
who would've thunk
obviously not
considering the US spearheads the biggest surveillance program in the world
the chinese are too bothered trying to commit suicide to get thrown in jail
ever heard of the 5 eyes
like blacks in the US commit more crime than polish people in poland despite having better economic conditions