Message from @fzeroppy

Discord ID: 587343718970032150

2019-06-09 18:04:13 UTC

2019-06-09 18:04:57 UTC

2019-06-09 18:06:23 UTC  

So what is this about someone not being woke on the JQ?

2019-06-09 18:07:26 UTC  

God damn autobot

2019-06-09 18:07:44 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:08:37 UTC  

The African subhuman believes that it's hilarious that the Races of Europe are being inundated with the sweepings of the 3rd world ghetto.

2019-06-09 18:08:46 UTC  
2019-06-09 18:09:14 UTC  

@igota35onmyACTbowdown <:PeepoWhat:575362386114904071>

2019-06-09 18:09:59 UTC  

He claims to be black with a White wife.

2019-06-09 18:10:07 UTC  

and claims he's "fucked more White women" than me.

2019-06-09 18:10:19 UTC  

And claims he's going to homosexual rape our first born son.

2019-06-09 18:10:24 UTC  

Typical dindu logic.

2019-06-09 18:10:59 UTC  

Because why try to break stereotypes when you can just reinforce them?

2019-06-09 18:11:12 UTC  

Why is one's number of sexual partners something to boast about?

2019-06-09 18:11:42 UTC

2019-06-09 18:12:40 UTC  

Because blacks are r/selective herbivore grazers

2019-06-09 18:12:47 UTC  

Just saying.

2019-06-09 18:13:57 UTC  

Clearly! When this subhuman thinks talking about all the gay sex he's going to have with our son is an insult towards us.

2019-06-09 18:14:14 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:15:59 UTC  

This is a legitimate question. When I was 15, I was hit on by a black guy and when I turned him down, he threatened to gangrape me for being a raycis. Tell me, what is it with this propensity to jump STRAIGHT to gangrape when aggravated?

2019-06-09 18:17:24 UTC  

what gener are you

2019-06-09 18:17:26 UTC  


2019-06-09 18:18:28 UTC  

Because they're r/selective subhumans, and degenerates. You can take the beast out of the Savanna but you can't take the Savanna out of the beast. The Africans retain their culture despite nearly 300 years of attempted domestication by the White Man.

2019-06-09 18:18:33 UTC  

Me? I am a female trying to avoid GOTIS.

2019-06-09 18:19:17 UTC  

you automatically have that

2019-06-09 18:19:24 UTC  

They gang rape each other, regardless of the sex of the victim, male or female, to show dominance because at their biological core, they're the exact same as they were 250,000 years ago. Unevolved, primitive, degenerates.

2019-06-09 18:19:24 UTC  

its literally how women are

2019-06-09 18:19:40 UTC  

but theyre just ooga booga sex muh dick

2019-06-09 18:19:49 UTC  

Why are you interjecting with irrelevant bullshit?

2019-06-09 18:20:04 UTC  

why is your name so shit you fucking larper

2019-06-09 18:20:17 UTC  

>Larping as your own people
>big brained nibba

2019-06-09 18:20:53 UTC  

No one gives a fuck.

2019-06-09 18:21:02 UTC  

ok 'volkswachter'

2019-06-09 18:21:22 UTC

2019-06-09 18:21:41 UTC  

nigga luco\zade

2019-06-09 18:22:48 UTC

2019-06-09 18:22:58 UTC  

haha epic gif man

2019-06-09 18:37:35 UTC  

That's the face I'm making as I'm thinking about throwing you into the "showers"

2019-06-09 18:38:57 UTC  

@GoogleThis Can I flood your library with every speech Hitler ever did?