Message from @protricity
Discord ID: 609909974625419324
Now time to purge the people who bought from him.
Epstein dying does not serve the investigation, more so the opposite.
Plus he basically escaped justice.
Jews invented Islam at Mecca 6th century. Jews were losing their secretive Saturn-worship religion as Saturn was no longer visible or important and everyone was starting to worship the Sun (and has been for 6 centuries already). The Owners of Mecca at the time were Jews, and they owned slaves. Those Slaves left to Medina but every year they would Hajj to Mecca to pay tribute to their Saturnine Symbol of Yahweh/Allah: The Black Cube of Saturn. Thus Jews have been able to control their slaves world-wide through leaking bits of their secretive religion and claiming 'brotherhood' with their own slaves. In modern times, the Jews have completely lost control of Islam, and new domination such as those in Iran and Syria have a version of Islam that COMPLETELY REJECTS SATURN AS GOD. This was the #1 reason for WW1: Jews had to regain control over their old testament slaves, destroying the Ottoman empire that had existed peacefully for 6 centuries. WW2 was therefore a battle between the OTHER wayward slaves of the Jews; the Christians. In WW2, the Jew slave circumcised western Christians slaughtered the Sun worshiping German Christians. That's right. Jews invented Jesus, replacing Sun worship with a dead man on a cross around the same time: 6th century. Judaism and Sunni Islam are Saturnine religions. Most of our planet was Jewish BC. We all did Saturnalia and we still wear Saturn wedding rings. Marriage contracts are only for marrying off slaves
Jews are gay
Lovely, more conspiracy crap.
"However you explain the Magypsies, that scene still looks like a child taking a bath with a grown man in drag." #Nintendo #EarthBound #Mother3 via @nintendolife
@protricity bro, im about to blow to your mind
the real reason behind the American civil war...
mind blown, bitch
er wait, wikipedia
that's the site that used to be legit
but since trump won, they (the jews) have given themselves a greenlight to censor the fuck out of the internet
it's their wiki now
to be fair it's very territorial. jews have the entire history section. islam are in charge of their own religion pages
none of this matters of course. what matters is that Jews invented Islam. It's the same religion. same god (saturn)
Isn't 6 sides & 6 faces duplicitive? Is duplicitive a word?
```The facts on Epstein's prime associates, Trump & Clinton:
1. Clinton was on Epstein's plane known as the "Lolita Express" multiple times
2. Trump was on one of Epstein's planes but not the one known as the Lolita express
3. Clinton was on Epstein's private island
4. Trump is accused by Katie Johnson of being with Epstein and raping her when she was underage girl but she has since dropped her case and none of her claims are verified.
5. A confirmed victim of Epstein , Virginia L. Giuffre, testified that Trump never partook in any of the activities that Epstein partook in.
6. Trump did contact the Attorney that sought to press further charges against Epstein and the attorney spoke positively of him.
7. Epstein helped found the Clinton foundation. ```
In the first source, the statements made by Virginia L. Giuffre makes it absolutely clear that Trump and his business, Mar-a-Lago, did not in any way endorse Epstein's actions and court documents instead establish that Mar-a-Lago actually freely provided evidence and information that helped establish a consistent timeline that corresponded to the victim's testimony.
In comparison, Politico's article seems to purposely mislead the reader on the facts concerning this. The very title of the article tried to implicitly lead the reader to the notion that Mar-a-Lago was a well established predatory grounds for Epstein in his pursuit for recruitment of clientele. While the Article makes no easy to discern truth claims in relation to what exact part Mar-a-Lago played in relation to Epstein's underage sex trafficking, it's written in such a way to purposefully induce the idea that there was a positive relationship between Trump's establishment and Epstein's operations.
fb routinely bans me from replying to comments on claims I make. I wonder if that makes them think they won
Does it make you think you won?
Am an amazing dude.
@Heisenberg scrns plz
Excuse you.
I already have my lab partner.
There he is.
Alright so how's this going to go down boss
@Everybody You can fuck off.