Message from @BigData
Discord ID: 610300374783361054
<:rat:587988279702454282> <:emoji_2:580886041192562698>
that looks like 4chan. wasn't 8chan just shut down over a false flag?
so my guess is 4chan is next
@everyone always wanted to be Moderator?
Buy the role with !buyrole now! Its expensive so get ur money and join the team lol
<:emoji_6:580886260210597930> <:emote_concern:580973089102233640>
But for real is sleep important
Do aspies actually need sleep
<:emoji_6:580886260210597930> <a:hotlick:607726194795741184>
<:rat:587988279702454282> <:mmmmm:609493918723342344>
Punk ass kultists
... idk fucking pause the duck
For like
Just fuck it different planet ideally
dead chat
ye ik
I have you beat with popular hipster songs
some interesting names in there, inlcuding trump and his family, however i don't THINK that every name listed is guilty of partaking or associating with kiddy fiddling, i think theres plenty of legit business associates, alongside pedos