Message from @aura
Discord ID: 634606712632115200
dead ideology
No, but okay
name one large falangist party
>Political parties
There's both a Spanish and American one, though the American one branches off too much by the way
i said large
also i gtg now sorry cant debate lmaoa
Political parties aren't a good way to measure that, but okay
@✪ Spiritus Sanctus Panthera ✪ dont forget the part about jews drinking the blood of sacrificed gentile babies. Thats a classic.
@Artur Krylov ok that's a ban
@Agent Tethers get banned
a ban? who runs this server
Imagine being a communist
@aura why u speak in 2nd person
hurrrr durrrrrr
Is that where you donated your salt
@Agent Tethers found your workplace
Thx 4 the dox
Has anybody gotten an MSBR working as they’re supposed to yet?
i love acid
Yeah finally I've killed these stupid censorship
So I was banned from the server for using a word Nihhers in the right way of writing
At least I was able to write it
Fuck. I found the server where I can write Nihher but I was banned there for telling the truth about animefahhots
I can't even write a word fahhot in the right way
What's wrong with you on the west?
You all are so pathetic and dump there
Looking for safe spaces avery time