Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 569607957248212992
Le feu, c'est un châtiment divin, non ? 20 years ago, this event took place between 11:08am and 12:08pm.
Yeah but something more important happened 130 years ago
Scythians, the Indo-European group who once ruled the entirety of the Eurasian steppe was ultimately replaced by the Siberian Asiatic tribes that took on the pastoral horse lifestyle and gradually replaced them.
The construction industry has come a long way since 1969, when the U.S. Department of Labor under Richard Nixon initiated the nation’s first clearly defined affirmative-action program. The Revised Philadelphia Plan required contractors in that city to set goals and timetables for utilization of minority labor. Instead of imposing quotas on contractors, the plan established a percentage range of minority workers to be employed from a particular trade on each contract. Employers from the nearly all-white trades—ironworkers, plumbers and pipefitters, sheet-metal workers, electrical workers, roofers and others—were required to show statistical evidence of compliance. Today, minority compliance reporting follows the basic guidelines of the Philadelphia Plan, but 36 years later, it is larger and more complex.
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