Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 613767105501855745
Do i rlly hv 2 upload. Opffffff
Whena Nasi challenges u to a duel is removed?
@Deleted User why is it I'm getting the impression this is a controlled opposition little-bitch server ? Maybe it's the piece of shit poser bitches like @Deleted User and @Deleted User? I'm thinking so. @everyone knows this is a way shill server where by design every debate ends in cognitive dissonance as shilled faggots will keep repeating the establishment position on everything, and say "I thought a lot about it, but I concluded the government isn't lying and has always told us the truth". Excellent for you faggot; can't even acknowledge the point being made
@Deleted User why is it I'm getting the impression this is a controlled opposition little-bitch server ? Maybe it's the piece of shit poser bitches like @Deleted User and @Deleted User? I'm thinking so. @everyone knows this is a way shill server where by design every debate ends in cognitive dissonance as shilled faggots will keep repeating the establishment position on everything, and say "I thought a lot about it, but I concluded the government isn't lying and has always told us the truth". Excellent for you faggot; can't even acknowledge the point being made
Wow man
That's quite the rant
I like this Protricity guy
This is mr. Obvious bringing you the obvious
celtic but not that extreme
@Deleted User trying to find "Bombs Over Detroit" do you have that moon man song?
Where can I find more images of this man