Message from @GermanEastAfrica

Discord ID: 452125947311816724

2018-06-01 15:04:36 UTC  

mine too

tbh my favourite thing about christanity some dude in 1600s wrote some fanfiction about hell

and we're all like

"yeah that's what hell is like."

2018-06-01 15:05:16 UTC  

all those other hero protagonists are just failed copy cats

2018-06-01 15:05:17 UTC  

Poor Jesus, he was just walking around talking to people and what do you know the Romans snatch him up and kill him

dante is hillarious tbh

"everyone who is greek deserves to be in hell."

he literally put

every single

greek hero

in hell

because romans > greeks

2018-06-01 15:05:44 UTC  


and we're all like

"Yeah that's right."

2018-06-01 15:06:16 UTC  

I mean it’s certainly well written but there’a definitely a lot of bias

he also gets that famous Italian dude Virgil

literally f a n f i c t i o n

2018-06-01 15:06:36 UTC  

I feel like hell Is individualized

2018-06-01 15:07:05 UTC  

Like your version of hell is different due to what you find awful

2018-06-01 15:07:25 UTC  

Or what you would

can we also say how everyone focuses on Dante's inferno but ignores Purgatrio and Heaven

for some reason dante's idea of heaven isn't so popular

it's basically 9 rings with 9 different levels of angels 🤔

it's in space????

2018-06-01 15:08:17 UTC  

You know one of the circles of hell is that you have to stand in the river of blood right? Well you could just commit whatever crime you need to get to that circle and just kind of stand here mildly annoyed for eternity

actually i lied dante's idea of Purgatory is actually very popular it's his conception of heaven that isn't so well valued.

2018-06-01 15:09:04 UTC  

speaking of eternity

2018-06-01 15:09:10 UTC  

Space heaven would have some good aesthetic though

2018-06-01 15:09:19 UTC  

how many of you believe Hell is eternal, and why or why not?

also can we talk about how the devil

is portrayed

as some sexy bad boy

in every modern thing

2018-06-01 15:09:38 UTC  

He was he original edge lord

this is the fault of the book paradise lost

i don't get how you go from the Satan being an ugly despicable monster

to a sexy bad boy **fallen** angel

2018-06-01 15:10:26 UTC  

Yea that annoys me, the devil is portrayed in the same way vampires are represented in Twilight