Message from @Acrumen
Discord ID: 452234047142494219
Salty commies?
Is joke don’t worry
also remember tito was a NAtionalist
a NatCom
Because of new discord rule
fucking online hall monitors
you stole that from me
now go forth, be fruitful and multiply my memes across the earth
no I redistributed it
to myself
Commie scum
>commie party
>hates commies
pick one
pick both for maximum comedic effect
Why not both
>he posts his holocaust card number
stealing your reparations as we speak, gj loser
also why no high detail leftist waifus?
wow that's advanced as fuck, they're not putting them on the arm anymore
we have the best waifus
Vote FLanon for a free waifu to be delivered to your doorstep
At least our waifus are the skinniest
that may be true
Not true
right size is on the RIGHT SIDE
I’m a fan of lolis
Who here has a nofap longer than 1 week?