Message from @FreemanTheDemon
Discord ID: 452976114135203840
Making fun of spelling doesnt change facts though
Obviously a faggot
Sounds gay
Made a tumblr
What are you going to do?
And no its not failing europe
Nothing why
You going to raid Tumblr?
Just made one to see what it was like
its exactly what you'd expect
Tumblr is a hellhole
its not a hellhole, it is cancerous though
Basically, gay montages with retarded Anime Music showing pictures of Gay porn
@Rhodesiaboo sounds hot
Those videos actually exist
Ill vote the bottom
They’re retarded as fuck
show plz
give me a link
What, are you gay?
What are you, straight?
These retards at Tumblr will make anything gay
Im straight
Thats because the majority of tumblr are chicks
Hell there’s these 2 YouTubers who both have Girlfriends and they made them in a relationship
Good observationo
Jordan petersons observation not mine
Jack and mark?