Message from @Advocatus Diaboli

Discord ID: 452008195024748545

2018-06-01 07:16:34 UTC  

Im advocating the killing of africans who exist soly due to foreign aid

2018-06-01 07:16:41 UTC  

Exploit anti-Americanism, temporarily work with weak liberals to destroy the stronger liberal state. It already happens with Germany, where they accept Russian gas even though big daddy USA scolds them for it.

2018-06-01 07:16:57 UTC

2018-06-01 07:16:58 UTC  

Destroy American influence, and you destroy the numero uno exporter of liberalism.

2018-06-01 07:17:09 UTC  

if we want to be altruistic humanitarians, we'll still have to depopulate Africa, but it can be done in a way that's less messy

2018-06-01 07:17:12 UTC  
2018-06-01 07:17:20 UTC  


2018-06-01 07:17:21 UTC  

i mean tbf natsocs are just racist commies

2018-06-01 07:17:21 UTC  

Or let Africa be.

2018-06-01 07:17:24 UTC  

it probably will involve sterilizations though

2018-06-01 07:17:24 UTC  

Yeah thats true though

2018-06-01 07:17:32 UTC  

The richest are typicly jews

2018-06-01 07:17:40 UTC  

depopulating Africa down to levels that the land can sustain

2018-06-01 07:17:49 UTC  

Well it’s a hard thing to go about as well, even if you know what you’re wanting

2018-06-01 07:17:53 UTC  

@DeadRavagerGames thats NazBol

2018-06-01 07:18:09 UTC  

The socialist part of NatSoc isnt marxist socialism

2018-06-01 07:18:12 UTC  

Nazbols aren't inherently racist. They're ultranationalist commies, that's all

2018-06-01 07:18:40 UTC  

Which can entail racism

2018-06-01 07:18:49 UTC  

Honestly there’s a lot of little autistic labels for stuff that seems a bit unnecessary to warrant it’s own thing

2018-06-01 07:19:00 UTC  

Many are, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't include racialism as a manifesto label.

2018-06-01 07:19:11 UTC  

If you kill the biggest beast, the smaller ones will still be beasts. Destroying capitalism just in America wouldn't solve the problems. It has to be done worldwide.

2018-06-01 07:19:22 UTC  

Steps by steps.

2018-06-01 07:19:27 UTC  


2018-06-01 07:19:36 UTC  

Kill the big beastie, and the smaller ones are that much easier to eliminate

2018-06-01 07:19:46 UTC  

Because they don't have something to fall back onto

2018-06-01 07:19:51 UTC  

When the communists and the fascists are WWE tag teaming to take down capitalism and sounding very similar

2018-06-01 07:20:03 UTC  

But forming Eurasia wont happen due to the fact that Asia is not on the same level as Europe

2018-06-01 07:20:19 UTC  

Stop, you're just throwing shit without thinking about it.

2018-06-01 07:20:24 UTC  

i mean it probably would of been better to unite against capitalism rather than fighting eachother

2018-06-01 07:20:30 UTC  

in WW2

2018-06-01 07:20:30 UTC  


2018-06-01 07:20:41 UTC  

Russia already cooperates with China to oppose American influence

2018-06-01 07:20:48 UTC  

i mean we are all socialists after all

2018-06-01 07:20:53 UTC  

I honestly need to write stuff down in a chart to try to figure out everybody’s belief system

2018-06-01 07:20:54 UTC  

different brands but you get the idea

2018-06-01 07:21:16 UTC  

Ok but will Russia ally with all of europe, asia, and ME oppose america

2018-06-01 07:21:19 UTC  

If only Hitler wanted to topple the capitalists and not to serve their interests

2018-06-01 07:21:23 UTC  

I doubt it

2018-06-01 07:21:25 UTC  

im pretty much a marxist but i have my own beliefs with communism so just label me commie

2018-06-01 07:21:38 UTC  

@Advocatus Diaboli Stalin was preparing to attack the Reich

2018-06-01 07:21:45 UTC  

Thats why he invaded