Message from @LoJ

Discord ID: 451772695789436939

and if you haven;t noticed

2018-05-31 15:41:00 UTC  

it's basically the anglo Saxon world but we call the country something like greater states of America (gsa)

2018-05-31 15:41:01 UTC  


2018-05-31 15:41:05 UTC  


every convo that takes place here isn't really about what is happening regarding the sim

it is typically fascists and communists arguing

about their actual ideologies

and yes yankee

2018-05-31 15:42:02 UTC  

I was going to say, for the sim, 360 million Americans is a majority of the population for the Anglo-Saxon world, lol

we aren't at 360 mill yet are we?


the sim is in 2035


we are probably at the 400 mill mark

2018-05-31 15:42:40 UTC  

Probably surpassed

depends on what happens with birth rates and immigration

2018-05-31 15:42:50 UTC  

just average in yearly growth up to 2035

2018-05-31 15:42:52 UTC  


i need to create a channel with some backstory on this

2018-05-31 15:43:24 UTC  

And 325.7 million only counts for legal citizens >.> <.< >.>

we don't have 40 mill of them

it is like 10-14 mill

most estimates at least

hard to know

which is just one reason why it is an issue

2018-05-31 15:44:03 UTC  

i mean an illegal immigrant is not a citizen dab

well populations don't tally based on the legality of the population

just the permanent residents

2018-05-31 15:45:08 UTC  

And an immigrant fresh over the border isn't a permanent resident legally

true true, quite a few actually go back after some years

2018-05-31 15:45:55 UTC  

unless they make, shall I be the one to say it, anchor babies and then use the DREAM act as a free pass to a life of luxury and government handouts

2018-05-31 15:46:09 UTC  

sounds about right

Need to look around for some cool bots

some sort of economy bot would be neat

2018-05-31 16:16:51 UTC  

Yo I know a lot of bots

I know people that can custom make shit

2018-05-31 16:16:58 UTC  

dm me what you lookin for

I know more than you

2018-05-31 16:17:02 UTC  

and I can search

2018-05-31 16:17:04 UTC  

oh ok