Message from @GermanEastAfrica

Discord ID: 452114174630428673

c h e c k m a t e theists and atheists

2018-06-01 14:18:17 UTC  

700000D transdimensional guess who

2018-06-01 14:18:24 UTC  


2018-06-01 14:18:26 UTC  

3 Arguments for God's existence: Design, Cosmological, Religious Experience

2018-06-01 14:18:39 UTC  

@GermanEastAfrica TRANSdimensional. Checkmate, cishets.

2018-06-01 14:18:39 UTC  

design: nah the universe is a shithole

2018-06-01 14:18:41 UTC  

I imagine god would be very passive aggressive

China: "Trust us we're communists"
me: This is just China's 4-d chess.

2018-06-01 14:19:18 UTC  

the chinese communists party is no longer communist

this is china's 4-d chess tactic

2018-06-01 14:19:26 UTC  

but i still view them as communists

if they can break the philippines bond with the US

2018-06-01 14:19:39 UTC  

so i view them as illegitimate

then it lowers the pressure from capitalist encirclement

2018-06-01 14:19:54 UTC  

He would be like, oh yea humanity, that was some of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made why do you think I created such a massive gravity well around Earth, so that you never get out. But that clearly didn’t work so back tot the drawing board on that

2018-06-01 14:19:56 UTC  

the cpc will fall

the PKP is just caught in the hellfire

2018-06-01 14:20:01 UTC  

it is just a matter of time

@Li Kin Wa Western media has said that for the last 30 years and has been wrong year on year.

2018-06-01 14:20:19 UTC  

Apparently China made a new aircraft carrier

@GermanEastAfrica is making two new aircraft carriers*

and 15,000 planes in due time

2018-06-01 14:20:42 UTC  

Although I heard the one they have now is pretty old tech

2018-06-01 14:21:10 UTC  

the communist party has changed in its core

2018-06-01 14:21:35 UTC  

the cpc has twisted "communism" so much it is not communist anymore

well no

they're a socialist market economy

2018-06-01 14:21:57 UTC  

It’s crazy to me that the U.S. has 19 aircraft carriers with a new high tech one on the way

so wydm they were communist 🤔

also no engels who developed marxist theory didn't say 'markets' are against socialist development

the CPC just realised there is no contradiction between the market and socialist development

the CPC is still a dictatorship of the proleteriat and still controls china and capitalism can still be described as 'under sufferance' in China

it would be like accusing Lenin of not making the USSR socialist for implementing the new economic plan

2018-06-01 14:24:22 UTC  

Like why do we need so many mobile plane launchers I get that they’re cool and all but maybe we want to divert that money to figuring out what to do with that new Russian nuclear missile

2018-06-01 14:24:49 UTC  

chinese government is a meritocracy

2018-06-01 14:24:53 UTC  

That apparently can dab on all defense systems we have

>wantS to so badly spam CGTN videos on China

2018-06-01 14:25:51 UTC  

In a hypothetical war with China who would win? The U.S. or China?

2018-06-01 14:25:56 UTC  
