Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 455829657124732949

2018-06-11 20:19:48 UTC  


I found a youtuber who called people's bullshit on that one

2018-06-11 20:20:02 UTC  

That’s good

2018-06-11 20:20:09 UTC  

cAPiTaLisM iS rESpoNSibLe fOR EvErYthInG wROnG iN SoCiETy

"Communism is not contextless 'equality' arguments."

2018-06-11 20:20:38 UTC  

I’d call him more of an idealist

2018-06-11 20:21:00 UTC  

“Trust me, beheading the communists is much easier than negotiating with them.”

you mean anarchists, fascists, and conservatives

left unity?
more like kill the other half of the left

2018-06-11 20:21:44 UTC  

tbh, i'd prefer to negotiate.

@Not Enoch Powell
I mean if the compromise is "Full on nationalist state"
and a "semi nationalist state"
I'd prefer to shoot you and install a nazbol state

nazbol > nationalism

2018-06-11 20:22:38 UTC  


2018-06-11 20:22:45 UTC  

I'd argue that the majority of the server want to shoot you, Karde.

2018-06-11 20:22:45 UTC  

They're not mutually exclusive

2018-06-11 20:22:53 UTC  

That and the entire population of Northern England.

@Scipio good luck with that one 🆗

2018-06-11 20:23:19 UTC  

Mhm, same to you, you Southern cunt.

2018-06-11 20:24:09 UTC  

When scipio starts a civil war with south England

lol south england would win against north england irl

2018-06-11 20:24:32 UTC  

this is probably true

2018-06-11 20:24:38 UTC  

You'd get mass stabbed.

2018-06-11 20:24:41 UTC  

And firebombed.

2018-06-11 20:24:52 UTC  

Where as the south would most likely protest the war.

"mass stabbed"
we're the economic centre of the UK hun when we go it reveals the poverty of the north.
Thanks thatcher.

2018-06-11 20:25:09 UTC  

and shouted at for looking in someone's general direction for a brief moment!

also how the fuck did thatcher get 3 terms? did anyone actually believe her economic policy 🤔

2018-06-11 20:26:12 UTC  

Well, the second term was because Foot was a poor campaigner

2018-06-11 20:26:35 UTC  

perception is an issue, it shouldn't be, but it is

other people in the UK: vote labour to stop tories/ vote tories to stop labour
Me an intellectual: how about fuck both parties and overthrow the government with our blunt knives.

2018-06-11 20:27:48 UTC  

From a civilian prospective, a war with the North would result in a Northern victory due to our civilians being better equipped and experienced with weaponry due to the street culture. Military based, seeing the South is the government, the military could splinter though is most unlikely, more of a repeat of the US civil war. As of such, the South would have a military advantage and win that way. It comes down to the combatants.

2018-06-11 20:28:22 UTC  

If the military splits then it's anyone's game.

2018-06-11 20:28:38 UTC  

honestly I prefer Labour currently, not for ideological reasons, (other than Corbyn wants to make St Geoge's Day a national holiday) but because I think labour is much more honest than May

2018-06-11 20:28:47 UTC  

Also, how about we fuck over the government in general?

2018-06-11 20:28:55 UTC  

We have a shit political system.

i didn't expect you to support labour 🤔

2018-06-11 20:29:26 UTC  

Corbyn is more honest than May, I must agree, though both are retarded.

2018-06-11 20:29:34 UTC  

I don't support them pre se, I just think they'd be more honest about their views than the Tories