Message from @tsarsNeezy

Discord ID: 456268246606413834

2018-06-13 01:25:18 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:25:22 UTC  

by 2021 catholics will be a majority

2018-06-13 01:25:28 UTC  

I'm good with any type Christian just the cultic faith is something else

2018-06-13 01:25:38 UTC  

sad that Catholicism will overtake Ulster

2018-06-13 01:25:39 UTC  

Gotta contact the UDA to begin another campaign.

2018-06-13 01:25:43 UTC  

I'd rather have Irish Prots tbh

2018-06-13 01:25:50 UTC  

Catholicism is heresy.

2018-06-13 01:25:53 UTC  

And goes against the Bible.

2018-06-13 01:25:55 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:25:57 UTC  

Literal heresy.

2018-06-13 01:25:58 UTC  

in what way

2018-06-13 01:26:07 UTC  

Saint praying

2018-06-13 01:26:08 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:26:12 UTC  

Praying to saints for them to be mediators.

2018-06-13 01:26:18 UTC  

Jesus Christ is the ONLY mediator between Christians and God

2018-06-13 01:26:23 UTC  

@tsarsNeezy 1 Tim 2:1-5

2018-06-13 01:26:40 UTC  

biblically, you're wrong

2018-06-13 01:26:58 UTC  

there is only one mediator between man and god and that is jesus

2018-06-13 01:27:01 UTC  

Pray for all people?

2018-06-13 01:27:04 UTC  

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2018-06-13 01:27:07 UTC  

Pray FOR them

2018-06-13 01:27:08 UTC  

not TO them

2018-06-13 01:27:20 UTC  

what is intercession...

2018-06-13 01:27:56 UTC  

the action of intervening on behalf of another.

2018-06-13 01:28:00 UTC  

that's the definition

2018-06-13 01:28:02 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:28:06 UTC  

so I could pray for my friend Billy Bob

2018-06-13 01:28:12 UTC  

And God would do it.

2018-06-13 01:28:16 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:28:19 UTC  

Praying to a Saint makes no sense.

2018-06-13 01:28:27 UTC  

It's not like a friccin mail order miracle

2018-06-13 01:28:28 UTC  

scots should break away from the uk

2018-06-13 01:28:30 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:28:31 UTC  

And goes against the teaching of Jesus being the mediator.

2018-06-13 01:28:41 UTC  

The Scots refuse to do that, Mitch.

2018-06-13 01:28:42 UTC  

you are aware the early christians prayed to the saints for their intercession?

2018-06-13 01:29:02 UTC  

Heresy is Heresy

2018-06-13 01:29:04 UTC  

ignatius of antioch, a direct disciple of st. john coined the term catholic church

2018-06-13 01:29:18 UTC  

You are aware that the Catholic church, which is the original Christian church, sold indulgence?

2018-06-13 01:29:23 UTC  

Which is heresy.

2018-06-13 01:29:36 UTC  

Indulgence, to lower the time and punishment of sin.