Message from @tsarsNeezy

Discord ID: 456273399120003072

2018-06-13 01:45:46 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:45:50 UTC  

Cause I need to go.

2018-06-13 01:45:51 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:45:57 UTC  

I managed to find the direct town of a kid using weather patterns

2018-06-13 01:46:02 UTC  

A Great Clan

2018-06-13 01:46:16 UTC  

I'm deciding to embrace heritage

2018-06-13 01:46:20 UTC  

Cause it states that in order to be saved you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. So...

2018-06-13 01:46:21 UTC  

I am now Chief David Douglas

2018-06-13 01:46:23 UTC  

no i'm saying the only sources those statements come from are second hand accounts which the vatican deny happen in actuality

2018-06-13 01:46:37 UTC  

Vatican is gay

2018-06-13 01:46:41 UTC  

Fuck the church

2018-06-13 01:46:41 UTC  

The Vatican deny a LOT lol

2018-06-13 01:46:49 UTC  

you realise there would be a schism if francis actually said that?

2018-06-13 01:46:50 UTC  

Here's 95 reasons why

2018-06-13 01:46:55 UTC  

you know cardinals actually care?

2018-06-13 01:47:17 UTC  

luther didn't even want to separate from the catholic church

2018-06-13 01:47:23 UTC  


2018-06-13 01:47:24 UTC  

Seriously what the hell does the Vatican even do

2018-06-13 01:47:33 UTC  

Luther didn't want to

2018-06-13 01:47:35 UTC  

but he had to

2018-06-13 01:47:35 UTC  

Besides store secret Christianity shit

2018-06-13 01:47:41 UTC  

because the Catholic Church was corrupt

2018-06-13 01:47:43 UTC  

the holy see is the number one non governmental provider of health services in the world

2018-06-13 01:48:08 UTC  

it's coordinates the efforts to accomedate 1 billion catholics

2018-06-13 01:48:26 UTC  

even if most of those aren't truly faithful

2018-06-13 01:48:54 UTC  

The Catholic Church is still corrupt

2018-06-13 01:49:14 UTC  

The path to heaven is paved with the skulls of bishops

2018-06-13 01:49:33 UTC  

Jesus christo

2018-06-13 01:49:37 UTC  

That's dark

2018-06-13 01:49:51 UTC  

that was said by st. john chyrsostom

2018-06-13 01:50:12 UTC  

I'mma find my ancestry

2018-06-13 01:50:13 UTC  

of course there will be corrupt individuals in an organisation as large as the catholic church

2018-06-13 01:50:28 UTC  

but the organisation itself is still not corrupted

2018-06-13 01:50:39 UTC  

Corruption is all around

2018-06-13 01:50:48 UTC  

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and *** the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.***

2018-06-13 01:52:17 UTC  

And it's the duty of the righteous to purify the misguided

2018-06-13 01:52:55 UTC  

Or something like that

2018-06-13 01:52:59 UTC  

"The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine - but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight."

- Hilaire Belloc

2018-06-13 01:53:02 UTC  

Something deep

2018-06-13 01:53:39 UTC  

the church leads the righteous