Message from @Major Tom

Discord ID: 457713466174734337

2018-06-17 01:07:33 UTC  

Idc commie eat a dick

2018-06-17 01:07:42 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:07:51 UTC  

the hard-hitting dialectics are too much for my feeble commie brain

2018-06-17 01:07:54 UTC  

Blow it out your ass you third world fuck lmao

Lmfao libertarians bring assholes lol

2018-06-17 01:08:10 UTC  

"eat a dick"
almost as great as the writings of adam smith

2018-06-17 01:08:15 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:08:56 UTC  

Smh liberatarianism are just anarchism with a few bones

>uses racial slurs
I assume youre only liberating white people lol.

2018-06-17 01:09:19 UTC  

Communism is the hardy Weinberg of socioeconomic systems. IT DOESNT WORK LMAO

Fucking n1gga

2018-06-17 01:09:24 UTC  

Racial slurs nigga?

2018-06-17 01:09:26 UTC  

wow this is just a whole bunch of dumbassery lol

2018-06-17 01:09:26 UTC  

shut up you fucking wetback

2018-06-17 01:09:36 UTC  

@pinchofsalt What the fuck are you talking about

2018-06-17 01:09:38 UTC  

Josh you jew

2018-06-17 01:09:39 UTC  

Shut the hell up honkey

2018-06-17 01:09:45 UTC  

>>>oh look at me I took a biology course i know what hardy weinberg is

Juche for white people m8

2018-06-17 01:09:49 UTC  

Get cucked by a bull

2018-06-17 01:09:54 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:10:05 UTC  

I bet you kiss your mama's fat vagina with those sausage lips lil' negress bitch

2018-06-17 01:10:14 UTC  

>>>>look at me I’m rick and despite being in Highschool I think I’m some zizek intellectual god

2018-06-17 01:10:17 UTC  

tfw no outside emojis allowed

>using cuck
I assume youre one of sargon's dumb liberalist gang.

2018-06-17 01:10:26 UTC  

That one made me laugh nigga ngl

2018-06-17 01:10:34 UTC  

o i am laffin

2018-06-17 01:10:39 UTC  

@pinchofsalt Yeah I definitely think that lol

2018-06-17 01:10:44 UTC  

Find one time where I have ever said that lol

2018-06-17 01:10:51 UTC  

if anything I've been way more self depricating lol

2018-06-17 01:10:53 UTC  

shut up you fucking shitmuncher go back to composting @gribos

2018-06-17 01:10:59 UTC  

Uhhhh you act like it

2018-06-17 01:11:00 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:11:05 UTC  

Is Kard just bird

2018-06-17 01:11:06 UTC  

How do I act like it, Salt, huh?

2018-06-17 01:11:10 UTC  

Just because I know shit?

2018-06-17 01:11:12 UTC  

I actually read?

2018-06-17 01:11:21 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:11:29 UTC  


@Major Tom you need diversity code word 4 white genocide

2018-06-17 01:11:44 UTC  

To you anyone who engages in discourse is apparently a pompous intellectual