Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 457717235117588506

2018-06-17 01:22:52 UTC  


The germans lost ww1 they deserved it yeet

2018-06-17 01:22:59 UTC  

ricks gonna chimp

2018-06-17 01:23:10 UTC  

hitler: first I invade austria
hitler: then I invade czechoslovakia
chamberlain: hitler don't invade poland
hitler: what if I take just a little bit of poland?
chamberlain: don't do it
chamberlain: FUCK YOU

2018-06-17 01:23:12 UTC  

@gribos It's almost as if the German leader had written in a book before the war that he wanted to conquer all of eastern europe and fill it with Germans

Treaty of Versaillies was too light thet shouldve gone full out to make sure Germany never fully rebuilt.

2018-06-17 01:23:31 UTC  

The Germans deserved fancy feast on the graves of the allies

2018-06-17 01:23:50 UTC  

the spartacists should've taken power

2018-06-17 01:23:52 UTC  

Who here is a Stalinist

2018-06-17 01:23:54 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:23:56 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO God I fucking wish

Stalinism is a leftist slur

2018-06-17 01:24:11 UTC  

Had the spartacists won then I assure everyone that the world would be much much more socialist

We are marxist leninists yeet

2018-06-17 01:24:22 UTC  

That’s gay

2018-06-17 01:24:38 UTC  

yeah if the spartacists won then the hungarian and finnish revolutions probably would've succeeded

2018-06-17 01:24:38 UTC  

I'm not marxist leninist personally

2018-06-17 01:24:45 UTC  

Lenin big gay

2018-06-17 01:24:45 UTC  

But I flirt with some leninist ideas I guess

What kinda MLcalls themselves a stalinist outside of memeing

2018-06-17 01:25:08 UTC  

I'm a trotskyist but I agree with MLs on some things

2018-06-17 01:25:30 UTC  

Imagine Marx deserving anything other than being thrown into a molten vat of acid lmao

Trots?!?!?!?? This left unity has gone too far 😎

2018-06-17 01:25:40 UTC  

Good bait, Salt

2018-06-17 01:25:41 UTC  

Can we agree the gooks deserved it though

2018-06-17 01:26:09 UTC  

Wow you actually realized it was bait for once

Can we agree libertarians are dumber than ancaps 👍

2018-06-17 01:26:23 UTC  


2018-06-17 01:26:31 UTC  

@pinchofsalt Shut up dude lol

2018-06-17 01:26:41 UTC  

You know me

Ancaps are the real libertarians

2018-06-17 01:26:54 UTC  

@Major Tom someone's still butthurt about losing vietnam

When America can beat asian rice farmers

2018-06-17 01:27:18 UTC  
2018-06-17 01:27:19 UTC  

Goodnight leftist when morning comes I’ll make you a nice breakfast omelette

@Major Tom u cant even beat rice farmers 😂 👌

2018-06-17 01:27:42 UTC  

can i get uhhhhh higher caloric intake in the USSR

2018-06-17 01:27:46 UTC  

Vietnam was actually a good thing in terms of fuck the government

2018-06-17 01:28:05 UTC  

Niggas couldnt beat rice farmers with AKs

2018-06-17 01:28:05 UTC  

Vietnam more like rice field