Message from @Scipio

Discord ID: 461652301531054080

2018-06-27 21:58:12 UTC  

We must dedicate days each week specifically to Womp

2018-06-27 21:58:20 UTC  

Womp is the sixth hour of the afternoon on the American East Coast

2018-06-27 21:58:22 UTC  

Everyday is Womp

2018-06-27 21:58:30 UTC  

Every day is to be dedicated to Womp

2018-06-27 21:58:32 UTC  


2018-06-27 21:58:41 UTC  

but there are specific hours each day to devote yourself fully

2018-06-27 21:58:51 UTC  

Scheffs and I created this religion

2018-06-27 21:59:12 UTC  

Stahp the attempted takeover and kill some heretics

2018-06-27 21:59:13 UTC  

Womp has revealed himself to me

2018-06-27 21:59:46 UTC  

There shall be no leaders in this Theocracy

2018-06-27 21:59:53 UTC  

One for all, all for one

2018-06-27 22:00:04 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:00:16 UTC  

Womp is the true leader who guides us through this dark apocslypse

2018-06-27 22:00:50 UTC  

Womp has revealed himself to all of us

2018-06-27 22:01:01 UTC  

And Womp shall win the day

2018-06-27 22:01:10 UTC  

Womp reveals himself fully to his chosen

2018-06-27 22:01:11 UTC  

We are united by Womp

2018-06-27 22:01:14 UTC  

We are all his elect

2018-06-27 22:01:17 UTC  

We are enlightened by Womp

2018-06-27 22:01:19 UTC  

to live with him after the end of times

2018-06-27 22:01:25 UTC  

***Jesus fucking christ, the Jews have evolved...***

2018-06-27 22:01:29 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:01:36 UTC  

We are wompists

2018-06-27 22:01:39 UTC  

Not Jews

2018-06-27 22:01:43 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:01:47 UTC  

Get it right Scipio

2018-06-27 22:02:10 UTC  

Jews are infidels

2018-06-27 22:02:10 UTC  

You evolved from (((them)))

2018-06-27 22:02:19 UTC  

Is Botha a heretic?

2018-06-27 22:02:34 UTC  

Botha is a heretic

2018-06-27 22:02:34 UTC  

Botha is an infidel

2018-06-27 22:02:38 UTC  

Burn him

2018-06-27 22:02:40 UTC  

heretics are only those who stray from the faith

2018-06-27 22:02:40 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:02:43 UTC  

Kill him

2018-06-27 22:02:47 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:03:00 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:03:06 UTC  

I'd say "no u" but I will not negotiate with skets.

2018-06-27 22:03:09 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:03:16 UTC  


2018-06-27 22:03:17 UTC