Message from @The White Rose

Discord ID: 465319386241171456

2018-07-08 00:42:57 UTC  

for the sake of argument

2018-07-08 00:43:14 UTC  

I know tons of gay fascists and all that

2018-07-08 00:43:20 UTC  

They're really really good people

2018-07-08 00:44:50 UTC  

Also Friedrick the Great was gay

2018-07-08 00:44:58 UTC  

Look what he did

2018-07-08 00:49:06 UTC  

Right mate,

2018-07-08 00:49:13 UTC  

just because some gay people did good stuff,

2018-07-08 00:49:18 UTC  

doesn't mean it justifies gay people as a whole.

2018-07-08 00:49:23 UTC  

Many racists did good stuff,

2018-07-08 00:49:27 UTC  

does that mean racism is good?

2018-07-08 00:49:29 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:50:09 UTC  

When it comes down to it, I support Gays, Lesbians and Bis, that's it. Reason being is that even though I see it as unnatural, I do not believe that we should be policing the sexual acts between 2 individuals in this way, I don't see it as a place that we should have authority.

2018-07-08 00:50:57 UTC  

Well alright

2018-07-08 00:51:05 UTC  

If a man loves another man, so be it.

2018-07-08 00:51:07 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:51:15 UTC  

I tolerate it, I do not agree with it.

2018-07-08 00:52:08 UTC  

Similar to Enoch Powell, his justification for voting to decriminalise homosexuality was because he believed that it was not an area that the UK government should hold authority in.

2018-07-08 00:52:16 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:52:25 UTC  

Now of course this does not excuse all sexual acts of degeneracy.

2018-07-08 00:52:50 UTC  

Just those that are more ACCEPTABLE.

2018-07-08 00:53:06 UTC  

Why not trans?

2018-07-08 00:53:23 UTC  

**Btw, gay pride parades are fucking shit, and shouldn't exist, they give a hypocritical message. "We want to integrate into society, yet we are hosting a parade to show how different and special we are compared to society"**

2018-07-08 00:53:35 UTC  

And my reasoning behind not supporting trans is that it is filed as a mental condition.

2018-07-08 00:53:36 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:53:55 UTC  

That's slowly being changed

2018-07-08 00:53:58 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:54:05 UTC  

As we understand the brain we understand more

2018-07-08 00:54:23 UTC  

Yes, but the idea that someone is born in a wrong sex body..

2018-07-08 00:54:26 UTC  

Is bullshit.

2018-07-08 00:54:50 UTC  

Though I will say, I don't support trans, but I am willing to allow them in society.

2018-07-08 00:54:56 UTC  

I just want them to be recognised for what they are.

2018-07-08 00:55:02 UTC  

Which are people with a mental condition.

2018-07-08 00:55:03 UTC  

none of this

2018-07-08 00:55:08 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:55:12 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:55:31 UTC  

Similar to the people whom literally have a condition where they are compelled to remove pieces of their body as they see them as foreign objects.

2018-07-08 00:55:35 UTC  

not a joke, it's a literal condition.

2018-07-08 00:57:46 UTC  

What about transitioning

2018-07-08 01:00:22 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:00:29 UTC  

Explain in more detail, please.

2018-07-08 01:00:52 UTC  

Would you let people transition?