Message from @Scipio

Discord ID: 465321213691035649

2018-07-08 00:52:25 UTC  

Now of course this does not excuse all sexual acts of degeneracy.

2018-07-08 00:52:50 UTC  

Just those that are more ACCEPTABLE.

2018-07-08 00:53:06 UTC  

Why not trans?

2018-07-08 00:53:23 UTC  

**Btw, gay pride parades are fucking shit, and shouldn't exist, they give a hypocritical message. "We want to integrate into society, yet we are hosting a parade to show how different and special we are compared to society"**

2018-07-08 00:53:35 UTC  

And my reasoning behind not supporting trans is that it is filed as a mental condition.

2018-07-08 00:53:36 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:53:55 UTC  

That's slowly being changed

2018-07-08 00:53:58 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:54:05 UTC  

As we understand the brain we understand more

2018-07-08 00:54:23 UTC  

Yes, but the idea that someone is born in a wrong sex body..

2018-07-08 00:54:26 UTC  

Is bullshit.

2018-07-08 00:54:50 UTC  

Though I will say, I don't support trans, but I am willing to allow them in society.

2018-07-08 00:54:56 UTC  

I just want them to be recognised for what they are.

2018-07-08 00:55:02 UTC  

Which are people with a mental condition.

2018-07-08 00:55:03 UTC  

none of this

2018-07-08 00:55:08 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:55:12 UTC  


2018-07-08 00:55:31 UTC  

Similar to the people whom literally have a condition where they are compelled to remove pieces of their body as they see them as foreign objects.

2018-07-08 00:55:35 UTC  

not a joke, it's a literal condition.

2018-07-08 00:57:46 UTC  

What about transitioning

2018-07-08 01:00:22 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:00:29 UTC  

Explain in more detail, please.

2018-07-08 01:00:52 UTC  

Would you let people transition?

2018-07-08 01:06:50 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:06:51 UTC  

Gays are degenerate and shouldn't be tolerated in society.

2018-07-08 01:07:07 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:07:11 UTC  

I disagree...

2018-07-08 01:07:26 UTC  

I believe that the gay expression of degeneracy that we see shouldn't be tolerated..

2018-07-08 01:07:40 UTC  

but I think that homosexuals whom keep their sexuality private, like heterosexuals, should be tolerated.

2018-07-08 01:07:41 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:08:02 UTC  

They aren't actually causing issues if they don't express it like the weird, multi coloured haired freaks.

2018-07-08 01:08:07 UTC  

And on the grounds of transition.

2018-07-08 01:08:10 UTC  

It comes down to age.

2018-07-08 01:08:29 UTC  

I think that Children below the ages of 25 should be COMPLETELY barred from transgender transition.

2018-07-08 01:08:42 UTC  

As it's around the age that your mind finally finishes developing,

2018-07-08 01:08:55 UTC  

and a lot of children whom transition young, usually transition back afterwards,

2018-07-08 01:09:04 UTC  

and if said children have taken puberty blockers,

2018-07-08 01:09:05 UTC  

or hormones,

2018-07-08 01:09:08 UTC  

it can fuck them for life.

2018-07-08 01:09:31 UTC  

I also want society to recognise reassignment surgery for what it is:

2018-07-08 01:09:32 UTC  
