Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 516625136246587392

2018-11-26 14:43:50 UTC  

My prefix is -.

:jarrow: Looking for assistance or support?
ℹ To find details about a custom command use -help [command name].
Economy Module Commands:
bal, leaderboard, bet, beg, search, work, daily
Levels Module Commands:
rank, levels
Utility Commands:
module, ping, help, invite, info
Owner Only Commands:
error, ev

2018-11-26 14:43:50 UTC  

GG @King, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-11-26 14:50:54 UTC  

Need some help?
This is a list of all commands Atlas has in this server.
To use a command, do a!<command name>.
8ball, achievement, advice, cat, chucknorris, coinflip, dadjoke, dog, emoji, gif, gotcharacter, gothouse, holdmybeer, interestingasfuck, lmgtfy, meme, genavatar, randomurban, roll, starterpack, think, trump, urban, wouldyourather, yesno
donate, giveme, info, invite, ping, prefix, premium, statistics, support, uptime
autoplay, join, leave, move, nowplaying, pause, play, playlist, queueplaylist, queue, remove, repeat, resume, seek, shuffle, skip, stop, volume
advancedembed, avatar, binary, calculate, discriminator, embed, evaltag, google, inrole, inviteinfo, joined, mdn, membercount, minecraft, quote, random, randomcolor, randomuser, reddit, reminders, remindme, rolecount, roleid, roleinfo, say, serverinfo, shorten, time, userinfo, weather, youtube
Custom Commands
Need more help?
If you're stuck, feel free to join our support server or invite me to your own server.
Hiding the Moderation, Tickets and Levels modules as they are disabled

2018-11-28 03:39:47 UTC  

`Standard Commands List`
Use `t!help [command]` to get more info on a specific command, for example: `t!help rank`

**1. Core - **`help` `invite` `leveledroles` `ping` `selfroles` `support`
**2. Social - **`background` `badges` `dailies` `played` `profile` `rank` `reputation` `setinfo` `settitle` `top`
**3. Fun - **`8ball` `cah` `cat` `catfacts` `choose` `coin` `cookie` `dice` `dog` `dogfacts` `fishy` `fortune` `numberfacts` `psychopass` `ratewaifu` `reverse` `rps` `slots` `tags` `tatsugotchi`
**4. Economy - **`credits` `points`
**5. Utilities - **`color` `converter` `crypto` `google` `image` `lotto` `math` `remindme` `shorten` `stocks` `strawpoll` `todo` `urban` `vote` `weather` `wiki` `youtube`
**6. Information - **`apikey` `avatar` `botlist` `changelog` `channel` `info` `role` `server` `shared` `usage`
**7. Anime - **`anime` `manga` `osu` `sic`
**8. Memes - **`beautiful` `hackerman`

# Don't include the example brackets when using commands!
# To view mod commands, use t@help