Message from @Linkueigman

Discord ID: 491007408118956034

2018-09-12 22:08:30 UTC  

>Pappas is openly gay
Oh boy here we go

2018-09-12 22:49:26 UTC  

yeah, isn't that one of his major schticks

2018-09-12 23:56:01 UTC  

There’s no one better suited to run America than a guy who enjoys phalli in his rectum

2018-09-12 23:56:32 UTC  


2018-09-12 23:56:50 UTC  

I’m just glad Steve Negron won NH-2. I strongly believe he can oust Kuster

2018-09-12 23:57:56 UTC  

Democrats already know Kuster is a gutless sellout so all we have to do is **emphasize** her shortfalls to drive down Dem turnout

2018-09-12 23:58:42 UTC  

Negron should be the one with the black skin.

2018-09-12 23:59:42 UTC  

90% of her campaign funds have come from large donors and PACs, and some of her top donors include the shady pro-Israel group “J Street” and the swamp that is the New Dems

2018-09-13 00:00:25 UTC  

It’ll be easy to throw together some prop material painting her as a corporate/Israeli puppet

2018-09-14 20:21:47 UTC  

^ and her turn coat habits leftists call her out for

2018-09-16 19:30:49 UTC  


2018-09-16 19:30:55 UTC  


2018-09-16 19:31:39 UTC  

NH Democratic Party is funding it

2018-09-16 19:33:40 UTC  

They are trying to Target Lakes Region and north

2018-09-16 19:36:54 UTC  

Their current target is Franklin, NH. Buddy of mine contacted me from their Facebook Talk Group. Got proof coming with a name

2018-09-16 19:37:29 UTC

2018-09-16 19:39:21 UTC  

It is also funny because a majority of comments are right leaning,but comments are also closed but most isn't removed stuff

2018-09-16 19:40:15 UTC  

Buddy already said if they go up his driveway he will be aiming at them

2018-09-16 22:06:36 UTC  

any way to disrupt it?

2018-09-16 22:07:40 UTC  

We can stop their canvas plan by removing all trace of their canvasing

2018-09-16 22:08:08 UTC  

Whetpastes can be put over any stickers

2018-09-16 22:09:57 UTC  

I'm not sure if that will do much though

2018-09-17 01:46:47 UTC  

It can if we hit the right places

2018-09-17 21:39:25 UTC  

Or drive through franklin recording ghost knocks on the MiniVAN app

2018-09-17 21:40:46 UTC  

It’s what most democrats are using to coordinate canvassing to a central database. Recording successful knocks should remove those houses from future lists for a while so that they don’t get knocked “twice.”

2018-09-18 19:45:50 UTC  

@Linkueigman a friend of mine from real life who is from NH-01 is asking me why NH-01 is more GOP than NH-02

2018-09-18 19:46:12 UTC  

"Are you sure it’s not other way around? The south and southeast are the coastal and city areas they’re usually more liberal. North is more rural"

2018-09-18 19:46:19 UTC  

what makes NH-02 more blue?

2018-09-18 19:46:23 UTC  

are there more college towns in NH-02?

2018-09-18 20:07:47 UTC  

Yes, a ton mroe

2018-09-18 20:08:47 UTC  

Concord is essentially a town that Harbors a ton of colleges, there's Franklin Pierce which is along 202, Keene is another area, and Plymouth is another. Let's not forget about Dartmouth either.

2018-09-18 20:09:29 UTC  

Oddly the only major bluecell in all of New Hampshire one is Manchester along 101 towards the Seacoast is a bit blue leaning but everywhere north of that county is red

2018-09-18 20:10:56 UTC  

The worst areas for nh-2 is the southwest and Northwest counties, I don't know their names off hand but they are the major blue areas

2018-09-18 20:12:20 UTC  

If anything the more World areas of Western New Hampshire tend to be left-leaning

2018-09-18 20:12:47 UTC  

More rural*

2018-09-18 20:14:28 UTC  

The amount Trump signs I see in NH-1 trumps NH-2.

2018-09-18 20:14:35 UTC  

No pun intended

2018-09-18 20:15:29 UTC  
2018-09-18 20:16:55 UTC  

I've also been watching WMUR political talk during the weekends, and I've already noticed they have biased towards Pappas and Kuster

2018-09-18 20:19:24 UTC  

Nh-1 news has been rather unbiased what I have seen

2018-09-19 01:20:44 UTC  

Winning NH is all about turnout. Driving theirs down and ours up. It is an order of magnitude easier to suppress turnout than it is to boost it. Therefore, we ought focus all of our time and energy on convincing democrats not to go to the polls. I think the way to do it is by targeted social media campaigns aimed at colleges or by more traditional ads placed in rural western towns. It all has to be negative: Ann McLane Kuster is a money-grabbing corporate shill and a sellout to progressive ‘values’ for instance. I don’t know enough about Chris Pappas but the idea is the same. Paint the candidate as someone that the Tumblr crowd won’t want to exert the effort to go out and vote for.