Message from @Nuke

Discord ID: 431252548154949643

2018-04-04 23:01:02 UTC  

The "Right" in Sweden has the plurality but they actually allow the Red-Green coalition to run the country anyway.

2018-04-04 23:01:15 UTC  


2018-04-04 23:01:44 UTC  

Plus SD isn't even posturing to be a protest vote or anything despite its situation

2018-04-04 23:01:59 UTC  

It's moderating its stances even more and deradicalizing to get more votes.

2018-04-04 23:02:44 UTC  

hmm, do you think that'll backfire on them

2018-04-04 23:03:29 UTC  


2018-04-04 23:03:38 UTC  

It's like the #1 complaint about them now

2018-04-04 23:03:44 UTC  

They're also holding gay pride marches and everything

2018-04-04 23:03:50 UTC  

to show how they're not Nazis

2018-04-04 23:04:08 UTC  

hmm, is it possible they'll reverse course before the election to not lose voters ? I'm not sure how politically savvy Jimmy Akesson is

2018-04-04 23:06:39 UTC  

Doubtful. AfD's leader wanted to do this sort of BS and she actually resigned from the party and took some elected offices to "The Blue Party" which she established within like a month after the election.

2018-04-04 23:07:03 UTC  

The idea isn't to maximize their vote or play long-term; it's to get into the coalition.

2018-04-04 23:07:33 UTC  

The idea of the hardliners is actually to lose and eventually secure majority government in most of Europe.

2018-04-04 23:07:48 UTC  

By gradually increasing the loyal share of the electorate

2018-04-04 23:20:43 UTC  

hmm, I suppose the parliamentary system does encourage comformity in that sense

2018-04-05 00:20:30 UTC  

Yeah, it's very rare to secure an outright majority in continental European proportional representation systems.

2018-04-05 00:21:37 UTC  

Majority government is only common in countries like Britain, Canada, and Australia--where they actually have constituencies, unlike countries like Germany and Sweden. @Deleted User

2018-04-05 00:23:06 UTC  

constituencies ?

Oh yeah, because voting in Germany and Sweden is ranked right? There are no electoral districts? You cast your vote for the party, and they will get a proportional amount of representatives

2018-04-05 00:41:31 UTC  


2018-04-05 00:41:48 UTC  

Germany has electoral districts, but they've cucked their electoral system so it's basically proportional.

2018-04-05 00:43:39 UTC  

If they don't win a sufficient % of the "second vote" to win a proportional amount of the Bundestag, then they win less proportional seats, and if they really only win constituencies and not the popular vote (second vote) then seats are automatically allocated to assist other parties.

2018-04-05 00:44:04 UTC  

CDU+CSU could've actually had a majority govt if they didn't sign that incredibly bad deal that handed Germany to an eternal GroKo.

2018-04-05 00:44:06 UTC  

but fortunately

2018-04-05 00:44:14 UTC  

GroKo's popularity has dropped below 50%

2018-04-05 00:44:56 UTC  

ironic considering GroKo politicians were saying they were reluctant to take up the mantle of the Grand Coalition once more because they were so self-assured they would win a majority so massive that it would be a "threat to democracy"

2018-04-05 00:45:00 UTC  
2018-04-05 00:45:05 UTC  

second vote?

2018-04-05 00:45:08 UTC  


2018-04-05 00:45:37 UTC  

In Germany, you get two votes--one for your constituency (which is basically meant to allow independent politicians to win) and one for the proportional vote (second vote)

2018-04-05 00:45:59 UTC  

So you vote for a candidate and basically the system is retarded

2018-04-05 00:47:07 UTC  

Notice SPD only won one state

2018-04-05 00:47:56 UTC  

AfD won as many states as the second-largest party; it rightfully should have and could have been the CDU/CSU's sidekick, were the electoral system actually as the proponents of the system claim.

2018-04-05 00:48:22 UTC  

(with a hybrid proportional/constituency system)

2018-04-05 00:50:06 UTC  

wow, that's certainly silly

2018-04-05 00:51:25 UTC  


2018-04-05 02:00:44 UTC  

Feels like this state is the only one without any elections right now and yet here I am

2018-04-05 12:06:25 UTC  

well, it's good of you to bring up your extensive political knowledge, promoting you to admin

2018-04-05 12:06:48 UTC  

also, I see you're an admin of that forum - ekunia

2018-04-05 12:06:54 UTC  

it seems like more of a blog though

2018-04-05 12:07:07 UTC  

how many other users are on it