Message from @Julien Blanc

Discord ID: 491797661301735435

2018-09-19 02:09:47 UTC  

__Full summary of FL Ballot Measures and Voting Recommendations & Reasoning by Dillpick88:__
**Amendment 1:** Increases the amount of a home's value exempted from property tax - **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: This gives more freedom to homeowners from property tax based on their home's value.

**Amendment 2:** Makes the cap on nonhomestead parcel (Rental apartments & Second Homes) assessment increases permanent at 10%. - **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: This makes a cap imposed by voters in 2008 permanent. This limits the amount a non-homestead tax parcel can increase. This limits the amount a property owner can be taxed in a short period of time for their second property.

**Amendment 3:** Provide voters with the right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling in Florida through citizen-initiated ballot measures. - **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: This gives the right to legalize casino gambling in different areas of the state to voters, thereby giving individual citizens more freedom to govern themselves.

**Amendment 4:** Restores right to vote for most felons after completion of their sentences. - **NO**
Reasoning for No: This would allow released felons (Statistically democrat) to vote. They forfeited their right to decide on issues that affect them when they committed a felony, and that right should stay forfeited.

**Amendment 5:** Raise requirement to raise taxes to 2/3 of the Florida Legislature - **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: Taxation should be limited, and this helps to achieve that goal.

**Amendment 6:** Adds Marsy's law (Rights of Victims) to constitution, increases forced judicial retirement age from 70 to 75, and would require judges to interpret law themselves instead of relying on executive agencies to do it for them. **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: Most importantly requires judges to actually interpret the laws they're looking at, instead of going by an administrative agency's interpretation (basically requires them to do their job).

2018-09-19 02:09:58 UTC  

**Amendment 10:** Prohibits counties from abolishing certain offices—sheriff, tax collector, property appraiser, supervisor of elections, and clerk of the circuit court—and requiring elections for these offices. The amendment also requires the legislature to create a State Department of Veterans Affairs, creates a state Office of Domestic Security & Counter Terrorism, and change the convention of the legislature closer to the first of the year (Second week in January) in even-numbered years (2018, 2020, 2022, etc). **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: These offices are essential to the function of counties, and the election of these offices gives citizens the freedom to decide their government.

**Amendment 12:** Prohibits public officials from lobbying for compensation while in office and six years thereafter. **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: Public officials are meant to do their jobs, and leave their financial interests at home.

**Amendment 13:** Prohibits the placing of bets on dog races (including greyhound) races. This ballot measure does not ban dog racing outright, and greyhound tracks can still operate under the condition that bets are not placed. **Yes**
Reasoning for Yes: This prohibits a practice that has mostly gone out of style in Florida; These tracks would not be shut down, so the economic interests of the greyhound industry would likely be balanced through entertainment measures. Alabama still allows betting on greyhound races, as well.

2018-09-19 02:11:26 UTC  

__Note:__ Amendments 7, 8, 9, and 11 were struck by the Florida Supreme Court from being on the ballot.

2018-09-19 02:24:17 UTC  

why would we ever vote No for 4 just because felons vote Dem? hmmmm

2018-09-19 02:26:36 UTC  

also, they served their time so...

2018-09-19 02:26:41 UTC  


2018-09-19 02:26:44 UTC  

this doesn't make any sense

2018-09-19 02:26:49 UTC  

This would flip the state permanently

2018-09-19 02:27:05 UTC  

The presidency would never go for the Republicans if that passed and became law

2018-09-19 02:27:22 UTC  

If that law was in place in 2016, Hillary would have won by 2 points

2018-09-19 02:27:23 UTC  

does it really matter? we shouldn't do this for political gain

2018-09-19 02:27:29 UTC  

@Whale we should

2018-09-19 02:27:33 UTC  

it's a doggy dog world

2018-09-19 02:27:41 UTC  

It is for political gain.

2018-09-19 02:27:46 UTC  

This is 100% for political gain

2018-09-19 02:27:49 UTC  


2018-09-19 02:27:51 UTC  

You either win or be crushed.

2018-09-19 02:27:52 UTC  

let's put it this way

2018-09-19 02:28:07 UTC  

we live in a political landscape where if you don't do things for political gain, you lose

2018-09-19 02:28:08 UTC  

simple as that

2018-09-19 02:28:19 UTC  

you can't show up with a knife to a gunfight

2018-09-19 02:29:28 UTC  

we should adjust our positions instead of these stupid tactics

2018-09-19 02:29:41 UTC  

like what

2018-09-19 02:30:00 UTC  

Outta here

2018-09-19 02:30:44 UTC  

I warned him for being too shifty

2018-09-19 02:30:49 UTC  

He was acting like a leftist

2018-09-19 02:45:09 UTC  

"we should soften our positions to appease new voters instead of defending our base"
okay, who invited the RNC consultant

2018-09-19 02:49:46 UTC  

>soften positions and alienate base

2018-09-19 02:49:49 UTC  

yeah, he got kicked

2018-09-19 02:57:04 UTC  


2018-09-19 02:58:20 UTC  

changing your positions just means you are a career politician, aka liar

2018-09-19 02:58:42 UTC  

people want honesty even before policy

2018-09-19 02:58:59 UTC  


2018-09-19 02:59:13 UTC  

people definitely disagree with trump a lot but they really like his honesty

2018-09-19 02:59:30 UTC  

if you flip flop at the change of a demographic you're john mccain

2018-09-19 02:59:49 UTC  


2018-09-19 03:00:21 UTC  

don't mean to disrespect the guy's service but his constant flipping near the end had me furious

2018-09-19 03:00:54 UTC  

lol i hate when people are like "the gop needs to change to get non-white votes"

2018-09-19 03:01:08 UTC  


2018-09-19 03:01:11 UTC  

im like nah the people need to change not the ideollogy

2018-09-19 03:01:33 UTC  

we just need to show them that we're actually helping them