Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 463372387690479636
Well I hope everything goes well
I guess people's minds are set
If I were Kessler I'd never enter politics ever again after what happened last year
Yeah no guys with shields with black suns on them
Yeah that's ridiculous
Fucking natsoc weirdos man
It's always about the edge with those guys
It’s funny how much we have to neuter ourselves just to do a rally and the left can just walk out there in the thousands and scream Ban ICE and it’s fine
The black Sun, such a larpy symbom
It's a shitty situation
But that's it
Yeah that is the situation we are in
we need to change the cultural view on some things in order to truely change the situation
We have to take down the media by any productive means necessary
Yeah, that's the whole point
And that's why we push on the confederacy
Yeah we need them to loose all credibility
the media
This is an area where we can say "We'll keep our history and we'll be proud of it"
not in CT
and you are right about being proud of our past
To try to go and try to clean up fascism's record at this point is just not worth the effort, Dixie though definitely is, because it's American and the cultural brainwash with trying to stigmatize it is much more recent and more jarring than something like fascism which is foreign.
support pride in Americas past and UKs
The civil war was a tragic war against brothers, and the Confederate troops had often been involved in pro-America wars like the Mexican-American war.
Yeah it is easier to clean up something with uniquely American roots than something foreign
some "foreign" things are worth defending ie Western Civilization
Of course
British Empire
But there's also an understanding that fighting to clean up the record of something like fascism is not going to yield much in the way of positive results
no argument here
Yeah, it's just some people still don't get that
A while ago on here there was some kid that said he wanted to run in politics as an open fascist, the thing is, once you say that you are, people just get so overwhelmed because of what they know about it they go into shutoff mode.
better to follow the example set by Churchill