Message from @Kushneni
Discord ID: 303075589429133312
We need to stand together
> concern about not being as powerful as the left
the problems the guys in Vermont have aren't really the same as the fellas in New Mexico
@Verm did all these non-vetted members fail the vetting process or something?
but its stilll the same overall message
I'm not concern-trolling
They haven't been vetted yet. Those who fail get banned.
I don't have a mike
Dave you've been here for a while
currently NEET status, have lots of time on my hands
How *extreme* is the vetting?
Are you a nigger?
Are you a commie?
i want the kikes to leave
No and no
Are you fit?
I'm fit to serve, sir
Well get more fit. You can never be too in shape
you should always shoot for NATTY
Age is just a number 🏳️🌈
"How do you guys intend to recruit people into this moovement? We need to be better organized than the left. That's been always their primary advatage over us - mobilization."
Here's the thing, lad. We're already >450 big, just by word of mouth and online propaganda.
25 would be around the ideal age to seek relationships
in a perfect scenario
I recommend you check the Readme.
Half your age plus 7
That's the rule
450 is weak. Uncensored Politics has over 3,500 after only a few months.
Your weak
how many of them actually do anything though?
Your bloodline is weak
They're pretty useless, yeah
You will not survive the winter
Mostly /pol/ users who never chat
450 HIGH ENERGY LADS > 3,500 Spineless Cucks
Uncensored Politics is a political discord, not an activist movement.