Message from @Swamp Killer

Discord ID: 433795708387328001

2018-04-12 01:07:16 UTC  

that's really it, I believe that the house is somewhat out of our hands with the numbers we have

2018-04-12 01:07:40 UTC  

Yeah, if we lose the House, it's Trump's fault

2018-04-12 01:07:41 UTC  


2018-04-12 01:07:43 UTC  


2018-04-12 01:07:46 UTC  

not all of it

2018-04-12 01:07:55 UTC  

Here's how we rank the blame

2018-04-12 01:08:04 UTC  

1.) Trump
2.) Congress
3.) Us

2018-04-12 01:08:23 UTC  

When was the Last time Virginia voted Red?#

2018-04-12 01:08:27 UTC  

2) RNC
3) Congress
4) Us

2018-04-12 01:08:30 UTC  

in worst case

2018-04-12 01:08:30 UTC  


2018-04-12 01:08:35 UTC  

would we lose the senate

2018-04-12 01:08:39 UTC  

or jsut the house

2018-04-12 01:08:40 UTC  


2018-04-12 01:08:41 UTC  

I think 2004 right? (in a presidential election)

2018-04-12 01:08:48 UTC  

It's mathematically impossible to lose the Senate

2018-04-12 01:08:54 UTC  

well the senate we must have

2018-04-12 01:08:57 UTC  

and I'm the most blackpilled person here

2018-04-12 01:09:01 UTC  

no way we're losing it

2018-04-12 01:09:15 UTC  

The Dems have to defend way more seats

2018-04-12 01:09:16 UTC  

how do we keep the house

2018-04-12 01:09:23 UTC  

And many of them are in Trump areas

2018-04-12 01:09:31 UTC  

like montana and west virinig

2018-04-12 01:09:36 UTC  

that is a task unfortunately too massive to undertake with our resources

2018-04-12 01:09:38 UTC  

i had no idea they actually had democrat senators

2018-04-12 01:09:41 UTC  

Most of them

2018-04-12 01:10:00 UTC  

It's our fault,

2018-04-12 01:10:00 UTC  

the Senate though is what we can focus our resources on

2018-04-12 01:10:05 UTC  

also, governorships

2018-04-12 01:10:05 UTC  

cus we vote for bad congressmen,

2018-04-12 01:10:21 UTC  

it's Congress' vote for not voting in their constituents' interests,

2018-04-12 01:10:44 UTC  

and it's Trump's fault for getting distracted and constantly causing/maintain chaos

2018-04-12 01:10:49 UTC  

and we have to push them, yes

2018-04-12 01:11:14 UTC  

Trump has to get them all corralled to his campaign message

2018-04-12 01:11:26 UTC  

what about the syria shit

2018-04-12 01:11:28 UTC  

if he goes in

2018-04-12 01:11:31 UTC  


2018-04-12 01:11:42 UTC  

would that make us lose the house?

2018-04-12 01:11:49 UTC  

if he invades, I don't think the senate going dem would be mathematically impossible

2018-04-12 01:11:50 UTC  

we're losing 60 seats if we send troops into Syria

2018-04-12 01:12:01 UTC  

even then,