Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 439292539145814027

2018-04-27 05:07:16 UTC  

@Swamp Killer I actually haven't been to enough events to compare things

2018-04-27 05:07:26 UTC  

remember, this event is nominally neutral

2018-04-27 05:07:47 UTC  

and I'd say many of the people who went there aren't necessarily leftists in the sense of being ANTIFA types

2018-04-27 05:07:57 UTC  

So they were mroe centrist

2018-04-27 05:07:58 UTC  

but most are definitely Democrats

2018-04-27 05:08:12 UTC  

many of the Hillary type, who look down on Sanderistas

2018-04-27 05:08:32 UTC  

Wait why do the hillary type look down on sander's people

2018-04-27 05:08:41 UTC  

remember, New York went to Hillary in the primaries, though that was partly because a lot of Sanders' fans weren't registered Democrats, and you had to be a registered Democrat to vote in the primary

2018-04-27 05:09:51 UTC  

@Swamp Killer Many Hillary supporters, particularly those from affluent urban areas like Manhattan (where rent is easily $5000 a month), are neoliberals who are fine with capitalism and free trade, think Sanders lives in la-la land and is for unkempt losers

2018-04-27 05:10:19 UTC  

the Democratic Party has been another party for the rich since the 1990s, when Bill Clinton and his neoliberalism took over

2018-04-27 05:10:28 UTC  

Manhattan in particular is full of those types

2018-04-27 05:10:34 UTC  

So Berie Sanders was too socialist for them

2018-04-27 05:10:41 UTC  

since he appealed to younger college ppl

2018-04-27 05:10:44 UTC  

NYC went to Hillary in the primaries, but upstate New York was heavily Sanders

2018-04-27 05:10:45 UTC  


2018-04-27 05:10:52 UTC  

5k rent a month?

2018-04-27 05:10:54 UTC  

holy shit

2018-04-27 05:10:58 UTC  

i thought it was bad down here

2018-04-27 05:11:04 UTC  

Manhattan isn't for populists

2018-04-27 05:11:15 UTC  

@Swamp Killer yeah, Manhattan is the most expensive place in the USA

2018-04-27 05:11:42 UTC  

maybe only rivaled by Silicon Valley, San Francisco, certain areas in Los Angeles where Hollywood actors live

2018-04-27 05:12:04 UTC  

@Swamp Killer people are willing to pay $1000/month to live in a literal fucking closet in Manhattan

2018-04-27 05:12:05 UTC  

And those areas tend to be deomcrat and "stand" for the poor

2018-04-27 05:12:06 UTC  

maybe even more

2018-04-27 05:12:17 UTC  

@Swamp Killer yeah, like I said, the Democratic Party is run by neoliberals

2018-04-27 05:12:33 UTC  

they're capitalistic, and many on the left HATE the Democratic Party because of that

2018-04-27 05:12:43 UTC  

I find that ironic because the media paints the republican party as a very cpaitalist party run by rednecks

2018-04-27 05:12:49 UTC  

people like The Young Turks want the Democratic Party to go for a more socialistic bent

2018-04-27 05:12:54 UTC  

and the democrats as a peace loving minority loving freedom loving party

2018-04-27 05:12:59 UTC  

they resent the Manhattanite neoliberals dominating the party

2018-04-27 05:13:11 UTC  

So they want to push further left

2018-04-27 05:13:22 UTC  

both socially and economically

2018-04-27 05:13:30 UTC  
2018-04-27 05:13:46 UTC  

keep in mind the apartments that are only $2400 a month, are really really small

2018-04-27 05:13:52 UTC  

what are the rent prices like in your area ?

2018-04-27 05:14:13 UTC  

about 2kish

2018-04-27 05:14:26 UTC  

like $500ish

2018-04-27 05:14:38 UTC  

(non-Section 8)

2018-04-27 05:14:41 UTC  

That sounds verya fforadable for a college kid

2018-04-27 05:14:43 UTC  

@Nuke lol stop bragging

2018-04-27 05:14:55 UTC  

To be fair I haven't checked in years