Message from @Nuke

Discord ID: 443936365567279104

2018-05-10 00:40:25 UTC  

Wait when did Iranian Missile bases become common knowledge. Do we have any info confirming this?

2018-05-10 00:40:28 UTC  

inb4 Neocon DRUMPF follows Israel's lead and initiates a massive boots-on-the-ground, full-scale invasion

2018-05-10 00:40:29 UTC  

But I'm thinking Hezbollah will attack soon hopefully

2018-05-10 00:40:41 UTC  

after Patrick Little gets elected, we'll be the next ones striking Israel

2018-05-10 00:40:41 UTC  

I would have thought Iran would have not been directly involved like always

2018-05-10 00:41:07 UTC  

No, or would take at least 200 Patrick Littles in office for something like that to happen

2018-05-10 00:41:42 UTC  

What would make more sense is to be semi-Neutral to both Israel and Iran, with no special favors to either party,but no sanctions either

2018-05-10 00:41:45 UTC

2018-05-10 00:42:07 UTC  

There won't be an invasion

2018-05-10 00:42:26 UTC  

Not if AIPAC has something to say about it, goy!

2018-05-10 00:42:36 UTC  

right, right

2018-05-10 00:42:40 UTC  

They are basically just doing to Israel as US did to Syria iirc

2018-05-10 00:43:00 UTC  

AIPAC iirc is mainly funded by a bunch of confused Christians

2018-05-10 00:43:07 UTC  


2018-05-10 00:43:23 UTC  

They see "Jerusalem" and think that we must support the modern state of Israel

2018-05-10 00:43:29 UTC  

for those involved, they know what the game is

2018-05-10 00:43:31 UTC  

Ain't it funny that we can build up all these fancy tomahawk missiles but can't build a simple WALL

2018-05-10 00:43:47 UTC  


2018-05-10 00:44:15 UTC  

But but ... walls aren't as profitable as missiles!!!

2018-05-10 00:44:31 UTC  


2018-05-10 00:44:37 UTC  

They're probably more profitable.

2018-05-10 00:44:48 UTC  

Not long term

2018-05-10 00:45:03 UTC  

They are grand symbols of a nations greatness

2018-05-10 00:45:06 UTC  

Think of all the money we would save with illegal immigration cut off

2018-05-10 00:45:13 UTC  

Instead of handy worthless consumables ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-05-10 00:45:33 UTC  

It's pretty fucked, yes. Although, I'd have to say tomahawk missiles aren't exactly in the same ballpark in cost. Preaching to the choir though, we all agree we shouldn't be spending money on this stupid shit.

2018-05-10 00:45:53 UTC  

I'll agree on scale but ....

2018-05-10 00:46:12 UTC  

He could have at least built a patch of the wall worth about 100 missiles

2018-05-10 00:46:13 UTC  


2018-05-10 00:46:26 UTC  

Make the swamp bleed by using money from DOD for the wall

2018-05-10 00:46:49 UTC  

Cancel or postpone some of those sexy contracts ...

2018-05-10 00:46:52 UTC  

Florida Governor - Republican
DeSantis 16%
Putnam 15%
Adams 8%
Devine 5%
White 3%
Natham 2%
Baldauf 1%
Other/Undecided 51%

@FloridaAtlantic 5/4-7 #FLgov

2018-05-10 00:46:56 UTC  

very unforunate

2018-05-10 00:47:03 UTC  

DeSantis leading is good news

2018-05-10 00:47:07 UTC  

Florida BTFO

2018-05-10 00:47:12 UTC  

Say it with me: Blue Governor

2018-05-10 00:47:24 UTC  

this is a primary

2018-05-10 00:47:25 UTC  


2018-05-10 00:47:26 UTC  

Who won the blue primary?

2018-05-10 00:47:32 UTC  

notice how split the vote is

2018-05-10 00:47:37 UTC  

hasn't even happened yet