Message from @Marini

Discord ID: 488437296958537738

2018-09-09 19:51:03 UTC  

And if they don't?

2018-09-09 19:51:07 UTC  

FTFP/STV systems used in English-speaking countries are much better than this vote-threshold bull.

2018-09-09 19:51:21 UTC  

also, if they don't hit the vote threshold, SD loses all of those votes

2018-09-09 19:51:23 UTC  

it's just exit polls so far

2018-09-09 19:51:25 UTC  

They aren't counted.

2018-09-09 19:51:37 UTC  

So pray for AfS

2018-09-09 19:51:54 UTC  

Lot of prayers tonight

2018-09-09 19:51:59 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:52:05 UTC  

I hope Bolsonaro lives.

2018-09-09 19:52:43 UTC  

For Bolsonaro to live, for AfS to get in, for me to get this woman

2018-09-09 19:53:31 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:53:51 UTC  

I'm assuming the latter is your #1 priority

2018-09-09 19:53:55 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:54:05 UTC  

If KD wins I'll be hyped

2018-09-09 19:54:09 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:54:16 UTC  

It's the social conservative party.

2018-09-09 19:54:22 UTC  

Not anti-immigration but anti-abortion

2018-09-09 19:54:28 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:54:54 UTC  

It's been a while I assume we start calling the US attack on Syria thing false?

2018-09-09 19:55:08 UTC  

Not sure what to make of it

2018-09-09 19:55:26 UTC  

I mean so far it's only been that Russian news source

2018-09-09 19:55:34 UTC  

And been what, 2 hours?

2018-09-09 19:55:56 UTC  

I like how Scandinavian countries actually thought it was an issue, and passed new restrictions on abortion, when they found out that aborted babies had vital signs for over forty minutes after abortions. The Left here would laugh at the baby's suffering.

2018-09-09 19:56:07 UTC  

At the moment it seems all of these crossroads in my life are sort of meeting up with this Syria stuff, the woman, campaign volunteering, this Sweden election, Bolsonaro's stabbing, the Kavanaugh hearings

2018-09-09 19:56:22 UTC  

Just been a hectic time

2018-09-09 19:56:49 UTC  

Bolsonaro is doing good

2018-09-09 19:56:56 UTC  

Well if we attacked Syria and Russia gets mad the hectic ends soon 😛

2018-09-09 19:57:19 UTC  

I missed out on a great pun opportunity there

2018-09-09 19:57:29 UTC  

Russia wouldn't do something extremely stupid like that

2018-09-09 19:57:40 UTC  

You sure?

2018-09-09 19:58:19 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:58:34 UTC  

Good, you used a period, you're very sure

2018-09-09 19:59:04 UTC  

They're not idiots, they made sure to evacuate the last strike when the last "gas attack" came along.

2018-09-09 19:59:13 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:59:55 UTC  

Remember when we had that massive gear up last time with Syria?

2018-09-09 20:00:02 UTC  

Geez that was scary

2018-09-09 20:00:29 UTC  


2018-09-09 20:01:28 UTC  

I assume that when the Idlib offensive gets up and running and Assad/Russia BTFO the rebels over there, the same sort of "illegal chemical attack" will suspiciously happen again and we'll have to go through this shit for the third fucking time.

2018-09-09 20:02:13 UTC

2018-09-09 20:02:17 UTC  


2018-09-09 20:02:26 UTC  
