Message from @lancerelliott {CARTHAGE}

Discord ID: 495799857777213441

2018-09-30 03:25:27 UTC  

Tesla's stock just crashed as Musk resigns as Chairman.

2018-09-30 03:25:29 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:26:00 UTC  

I always knew that Musk's fame as CEO combined with his constant tweeting would result in his mistakes being exemplified.

2018-09-30 03:26:06 UTC  

But I never expected something on this level.

2018-09-30 03:26:36 UTC  

you consider yourself to be an astute judge of people, eh ?

2018-09-30 03:26:50 UTC  

@Julien Blanc People? No. Characters? Oh yes.

2018-09-30 03:27:19 UTC  

What's the difference

2018-09-30 03:27:37 UTC  

Musk is nothing more than a facade, smoke and mirrors, a scam artist that flaunts ill-concenived ideas combined with witty language in an attempt to boost stock price.

He isn't real. He's a character./

2018-09-30 03:27:52 UTC  

Most politicians are also characters.

2018-09-30 03:28:26 UTC  

>Musk is nothing more than a facade, smoke and mirrors, a scam artist that flaunts ill-concenived ideas combined with witty language in an attempt to boost stock price.

Something tells me that you're exaggerating in an attempt to look like more of a critical thinker

2018-09-30 03:28:32 UTC  

A character is someone that acts out a second and false personality in order to appease a certain demographic or advance certain goals.

2018-09-30 03:28:40 UTC  

Trump is a chracter for example

2018-09-30 03:29:12 UTC  

Caricature, thats the word. They make themselves caricitures.

2018-09-30 03:29:31 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:29:51 UTC  

realize though: making yourself a caricature does not mean you lack skill and substance

2018-09-30 03:30:49 UTC  

Of course not, but it is almost always created in order to pursue certain goals or appease certain demographics, sometimes, in a subversive way.

2018-09-30 03:31:09 UTC  

Politicians, almost all (except maybe Ron Paul and Bernie) are total characters.

2018-09-30 03:31:18 UTC  

They don't believe what they say.

2018-09-30 03:31:32 UTC  

They say what will get them elected.

2018-09-30 03:31:37 UTC  

I mean.

2018-09-30 03:31:38 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:31:46 UTC  

Who the hell *talks* like a politician?

2018-09-30 03:31:55 UTC  

No one *acts* like that.

2018-09-30 03:32:13 UTC  

I would argue Bernie is also a character

2018-09-30 03:32:15 UTC  

I really like Marco Rubio because he talks like a normal person.

2018-09-30 03:32:27 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:32:37 UTC  

I always thought that Bernie geuninley believes most of what he says.

2018-09-30 03:32:42 UTC  

Bernie Sanders is a hyproctite on a bucnh of shit

2018-09-30 03:32:51 UTC  

He's been politically consistent for the past 25 years, even before going into politics.

2018-09-30 03:32:53 UTC  


2018-09-30 03:32:55 UTC  

Enlighten me.

2018-09-30 03:33:04 UTC  

He critized Hilary for the 1994 crime bill even though he voted for it

2018-09-30 03:33:27 UTC  

hold on

2018-09-30 03:33:36 UTC  

let me find an article where they list it out

2018-09-30 03:34:09 UTC  

I see.

2018-09-30 03:34:21 UTC  

What about his actual self-made rhetoric?

2018-09-30 03:34:34 UTC  

Do you think he believes his socialist speech?

2018-09-30 03:34:44 UTC  

I mean.

2018-09-30 03:35:27 UTC  

Also Ron Paul would always rail agaist Earmarks, add them for district in Texas in big bill, and than vote against the bill mostly because he knew it would pass, and he would get the earmarks regardless