Message from @Red Storm (in NYC)

Discord ID: 409494386578161664

2018-02-03 23:42:23 UTC  

>convenient general source for everything important about the 2018 midterms,_2018


>Find out who your congressman is





The purpose of this thread is to provide /pol/ a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”

2018-02-03 23:42:29 UTC  

2018-02-03 23:42:47 UTC  



[2]>Find out who your congressman is

[3]>Find out the date of the primaries for your state

(get these 3 BASIC steps done asap)

other things to do once those are done

[ ] sign up for the Democrats’ mailing list on to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area

[ ] sign up for the Republican’s mailing list on to keep an eye out for what they want to do in your area
[ ]think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick (or a girl who isn’t a landwhale, really) get your beta orbiters to vote.

[ ] if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis

[ ] share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)

[ ] share your ideas on how to improve this general

2018-02-03 23:43:00 UTC  

2018-02-03 23:43:12 UTC  

The Complete Red Storm Todo-List


[ ] use a disposable email and sign up for The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, and any other online leftist space you feel like; start racking up posts masquerading as a leftist (shouldn’t be hard, just rant about Russian bots, mimic their quirks like “yet another scared little white male afraid of losing power”); become a reputable poster so that you can set things up for later psy-ops

[ ] make a fake leftist Twitter account, follow a bunch of leftists and masquerade as a soyboy / SJW harpy by writing up a bunch of leftist sounding tweets

[ ] make a list of all Trump supporting / right-leaning people you know on social media, Steam, forums, etc; pm them to ask if they’re voting in the primaries and this November in the midterms; keep track of them every once in a while to ensure that they do

[ ] compile a folder of memes and a word document of copypastas to make certain things more efficient

2018-02-03 23:44:10 UTC  


[ ] register to vote; register for the Republican Party if it’s required to vote in the primaries in your state; mark the date for the primaries for your state on your calendar; mark November 6 on your calendar)

[ ] research the primary candidates and incumbents in your area for the House, Senate, and Governor races; decide who you want to support, and keep track of them;

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who support Trump

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who lean right (but aren’t really in support of Trump, e.g. NeverTrumpers)

[ ] make a list of people you know in real life who are politically apathetic or on the fence, but can be swayed to support Trump and/or vote GOP (e.g. people who dislike feminism but see no point in voting; people who used to vote Democrat but feel disenfranchised by the party)

[ ] make a list of people you know who are on the left (anyone from avid progressives, neoliberals, socialists, etc)

2018-02-03 23:44:17 UTC  

[ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who supports Trump; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms, and get them to commit to voting (use whatever means at your disposal; for instance, plan a party on November 6 so you can all get out to vote together); ask them if they are voting in the primaries, and get them to vote with you for the Trumpian nominee

[ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who leans right but doesn’t necessarily support Trump; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms, and get them to commit to voting for the GOP (stress that despite their grievances with Trump, they still need to be aware that the Left is salivating for a ‘Blue Wave’ and that they need to join in to prevent that)

[ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who is apathetic or on the fence; if they have left-leaning sympathies, don’t bother letting them know about the midterms, just talk about how you wish everyone would shut up about politics or something along those lines; if they have right-leaning sympathies, coax them into considering voting in the midterms by talking about all the things that could be fixed and what it could mean for them

[ ] have a conversation with or send a message to everyone you know who is on the left; ask them if they’re voting this November in the midterms; if they are voting, keep track of what they’re up to; if they’re the deranged type, use their offputting behavior as a means of swaying the people you know who are on the fence or have right leaning sympathies (e.g. ask them “hey, what do you think of that thing Alison McSJW posted on facebook”); if they’re not voting, keep track of whether they change their mind

2018-02-03 23:44:29 UTC  

[ ] IMPORTANT: Log your experiences in this channel (e.g. “I just got my 18 year old Trump supporting cousin to register; “this one black guy told me he’s not voting this time around because he thinks it’s all BS and the democrats care more about illegals than blacks”; “I have a cousin who keeps ranting and raving about Drumpf and am using him to sway my other cousins against the Democrats” ; “I just registered to vote thanks to this thread!”)

2018-02-15 15:14:43 UTC  

^new anticom discord

2018-02-16 06:45:15 UTC  

Here's my (hopefully) definitive list of senate candidates for us to go for:
AZ-Martha McSally
FL-Rick Scott*
IN-Todd Rokita
MA-V.A. Shiva
ME-Paul LePage*
MI-John James
MO-Josh Hawley
MN-Robert Barnheiser
MN(sp)-Karin Housley
MT-Matt Rosendale
ND-Kevin Cramer
NJ-Thomas Kean Jr*
OH-Jim Renacci
PA-Lou Barletta
TN-Marsha Blackburn
VA-Corey Stewart
WI-Kevin Nicholson
WV-Evan Jenkins
(* represents a potential candidate) (As of 2/15/2018)

2018-02-16 06:45:20 UTC  

written by @FLanon

2018-02-17 17:30:28 UTC  

Okay, so as some of you have probably noticed, we're changing the way the state channels are organized, instead of having them all within the operations and discussions category, we're giving them their own categories.
There's a bit of a disagreement on whether we should have all 50 states in a single category (it'd be named state discussions) or whether to have them in different regional categories. To decide, we'll put this up to a vote. If you want to have a single large state category, hit (A), if you want multiple regional state categories like we do now, hit (B).

2018-02-17 18:02:24 UTC  

I'll keep this vote up until the end of February

2018-02-17 19:22:01 UTC